Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter 23 - Planning Pays Off

The atmosphere inside Ambrosia's was definitely celebratory in nature. The guests who were currently enjoying the wonderful cuisine and hospitality this restaurant was famed for certainly had good reasons to be celebrating. They'd each played their part in the minor miracle of getting the Potter institute not only built, but up and running - and ready to receive their first students come September.

In reality, they had hardly stopped celebrating since the families of their new first years had left the Institute on Sunday evening. Every single family left the Institute showering it in glowing praise, and, more importantly, had also signed up their children to attend within hours of arriving. After sending out the official acceptance letters for the rest of the years, as well as many more 'sorry, your son/daughter has been unsuccessful in their application' replies, all that had been left to do was look forward to tonight.

The restaurant had its own photographer, though Luna was taking a few snaps too. Both of course agreed the Institute would have final say on any pictures that appeared in newspapers, though the restaurant was certainly free to hang any photos they wanted on their own walls. Sirius joking that there would soon be a few more framed pictures of Harry tastefully adorning the restaurant didn't bother his godson. Ambrosia's manager and staff had pulled out all the stops for the Institute tonight, Harry considered some pictures and a few quietly asked for autographs was a small price to pay for all their efforts. Harry would also be picking up the bill for tonight and, while that wouldn't be small, seeing everyone have a great time meant it would be worth every galleon.

They'd reached that point in the evening where Pomona had stood to say a few words. She thanked everyone for all their hard work, while looking forward to the challenges they would face once the Institute officially opened its doors to students in a few days. Thanking Harry for making everything she'd just spoken about possible, including arranging tonight's celebration, Pomona then offered the Institute's owner a chance to address all the people he'd invited.

Their friends who had holidayed with them for most of the summer were also here tonight, sharing a table with the betrothed couple. The addition to their group sat in her now default position - between Harry and Hermione - and sparkled, with only a little of that sparkle being due to the new dress she was wearing. Joan had slotted into this group as though she belonged there, and also knew what Harry's surprise was going to be. It was hard to contain so much joy in her little body, so it was leaking out and encompassing everyone within range.

Surrounded by his friends and family, with Hermione's constant support through their rings, it was a different Harry who stood to spring his surprise on all but a choose few.

"The first day of summer was one of the longest days of Hermione's and my life - but what a day. That was the day the Potter Institute began its journey from an idea in our heads to the thing that now has ties to everyone in this room. That night I made a promise to some people we were trying to coax into joining us on our dream of building a school, that if we could be ready to open by the first of September I would treat the entire staff to a night in the best restaurant we knew. I always keep my promises, and am delighted we're all here tonight..."

This drew tumultuous applause from within the restaurant, since all of the people there had heard a version of that meeting from those who were actually on the terrace for that life-changing sales pitch. "I remember there being a protest outside Ambrosia that day too, though apparently tonight's crowd is much larger - and a lot more vocal. I've also been assured by Amelia that there are enough of her aurors outside to handle it, and we should just enjoy our evening. By the anger on display out there tonight, I'm surprised both me and the Institute aren't drowning under waves of howlers on a daily basis."

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