Chapter 44

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October 30th 2023
Marshall's POV

I feel the bed dip beside me but choose to keep my eyes closed, I didn't get much sleep after what happened at the hospital last night.

Small fingers prod into my side repeatedly.

Hailie stayed with Ava until I got home from my flight and very brief trip to the hospital last night and Ava will be moving in with me now until Sophia gets out of hospital.

"Dad?" Another poke to my side.


"Daaaad" She begins to shake me slightly.

You're gonna have to try harder than that baby girl. I think as I feel her move again.

"DAD!" She screams into my ear and before I can process what is happening I feel stand up and her whole body crash down onto me.

"Aight, aight, I'm up, I'm up." I quickly say, rubbing my eyes. "What's up Ave?"

"I'm hungry."

"Oh, you are? And what do I do about that, huh?" I ask, pulling my best confused face.

"You take me downstairs to get food."

"Well, when I got home last night and you were still awake at half twelve you told me it was because you were a big girl, so why don't you take that big girl attitude downstairs and make your own breakfast?" I say as I pull her to me, tickling her stomach and causing her to erupt in laughter.

"Please?" She begs, trying to give me her best puppy dog eyes.

"Fineee." I groan and take her hand, leading her out of the room and downstairs.

"Go put the tv on, I'll bring your cereal to you aight?" She nods in response and runs towards the lounge as I walk to the kitchen.

After reaching the cereal out of the cupboard and tipping it into the bowl I register the faint hum of the tv in the background.

"DAD." I hear my little girl shout from the other room as I'm pouring the milk into the bowl.


"I'M ON TV." I must of misheard her, she did not just say she's on tv.

I pick the bowl up and as I walk into the living room I speak again.

"What you say?" I ask her as I hand her the bowl. She points at the tv in response.

I turn to face it, sure enough being greeted by a photo of my smiling daughter and her mother as the headline for Fox News.

"What the fuck?" I mumble under my breath, a mix of confusion and rage bubbling up.

"Bad word!" Ava gasps with a mouthful of cereal.

"Bad manners! Keep your mouth shut when you chew." I say, pointing playfully at her.

I pick up the remote and turn the tv up.

Eminem, the renowned rapper, has made headlines this morning after his interview with Stephen Colbert last night where he confessed to having a secret child. The news has shocked fans worldwide, as Eminem has kept this information private for many years.

Eminem himself dropped the bombshell last night in his tell-all interview where he cleared rumours surrounding his recent arrest, now known to have been an assult on the mystery childs mother. No furthur public statements regarding the matter have been made as of yet.

Speculations about the child's mother and their identities have been circulating on social media platforms overnight, with fans eagerly awaiting more information.

The rapper himself did however mention in the interview that child was now five, he also revealed her name was Ava and her mother's Sophia but kept their physical identity a secret.

Despite the secrecy surrounding the situation, many supporters have expressed their support for Eminem and his family during this time.

However, the picture's shown on screen now are believed to be of both Ava and Sophia although not confirmed. A fan of the rapper sent us these photo's after they surfaced online just an hour ago, seemingly taken from an Instagram account. Despite the lack of verification from a trusted source, the photo's seem like the real deal to us after checking out the account and timeline surrounding it.

The news of Eminem having a secret child has sparked curiosity and intrigue among fans, who are eager to learn more about this unexpected revelation.

As the story continues to unfold, the public remains captivated by the mystery surrounding Eminem's secret child and her mother.

Without any furthur confirmation or denial from the artist himself, speculation and rumors continue to swirl. As fans eagerly await further developments, one thing is certain - Eminem's private life has once again become the subject of intense scrutiny and interest.

I drag my hand over my face, releasing a frustrated puff of air.

Less than 12 hours. Less that 12 fucking hours it took for them to get ahold of their identities. I knew it was coming, just not this fast.

"Ave, stay here for me. I'm gonna make a call real quick." She nods and I switch the tv over to some cartoon before I leave the room.

"Paul." I say, feeling relieved as he answers the phone. After the screaming I did to him in the car last night, I did not expect him to talk to me today. "You seen the news?"

"I've seen it."

"What do we do?"

"I'm thinking I'll put out a statement confirming the photo's are real and then we'll talk with Sophia about next steps."

"Alright, thanks man."

"You got it. Statement will be out in two hours max. Have a good day."

"Yeah, you too." I hand up, slamming my phone onto the counter.

"FUCK!" I shout, I just wanted Ava to have a normal life but I can't even give her that.

First I walk out and now she has me but at what cost? She'll spend her life in the spotlight, alienated from everyone...

A/N - I honestly love writing this book so much.

Also a slightly longer chapter again.

As always, any feedback or suggestions are welcome.

~ Im 💕

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