Year 5: Ch.15

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I do not own Harry Potter (that belongs to J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros.). I only own OC's such as Olympia, Leilani, and others.

So sorry for the late update. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

previously on Lady Songbird

"And, pray tell, what's in this?"



Before I could say anything, Draco spoke once more: "I'd like you to listen to me, with the full knowledge that I am not lying nor bluffing." He said gravely, "However," he paused, looking at me, "I'd like to hear the truth from you too."

I opened my mouth to argue, "Something else is bothering you, 'Pia." His eyes softened. "I know that well enough," he said firmly.

"Is that all?" I asked him, brow raised.

"Yes." He stretched out his hand and asked, "Do we have a deal?"

"Deal." We clasped our hands, but he brought mine up and kissed it. He handed me the goblet, and we both drank.

"Care to go first?" I said it offhandedly.

"As you know, the Dark Lord had risen before our summer started," Draco said quietly. "While you were busy with your affairs, it had been arranged for us—meaning Theo, Blaise, and them—to spend time in one of Isabella Zabini's multiple properties. It was a precaution to keep up disconnected from his rise, should anything have happened." He paused. "It was Theo, Blaise, Daphne, Astoria, and Pansy, along with Leilani occasionally." He looked at me and said, "You have to know I didn't choose for her to be there, Olympia. She was just tagging along with Daphne, like when we were younger." He tried to reach for my hand, but I pulled away.

"Cut to the chase, Draco." I snapped, "What happened between you two?"

"We kissed." I flinched, taken aback by his candor. I thought hearing his disclosure would help me move on, but it did the opposite. It pained me to hear it, and it broke my heart all over again.

"Well," I croaked out, "you were truthful, as we had promised." I shook my head. "I didn't know the truth would hurt this much," I muttered to myself, turning away from him.


"We are nothing to each other, Draco, not anymore," I said firmly.

"Olympia- please-" He was distraught.

"There is nothing to say."

"Olympia, please listen," he pleaded as I turned away from him.

"No-!" I started to walk away.

"She forced me to

A little fire of hope kindled in my chest, but I quickly snuffed it. Those words sounded too good to be true.

It's why Leilani and the rest didn't tell you." He whispered, "I wanted you to hear it from me." I scoffed, "Please. Pease just listen to me."

"What is there to hear?" I murmured to myself.

He pretended not to hear me. "Since our summer started, she has been trying to find little ways to get closer to me, to flirt with me." He looked at me and said, "Our friends, along with me, would shrug her off, and Blaise in particular told her, and I quote, to 'piss off. You're only here to appease your mother, not snag someone's boyfriend'."

"Blaise, he said that?" I said, looking up.

"None of us wanted to hurt you; that's the last thing I wanted." He said anguishedly, "Eventually, she got confident enough to try to peck my cheek after a practice, and I told her to fuck off." He met my eyes. "Then, one night, Isabella went out, leaving only us at her place. Being the teenagers we were, Theodore brought out Firewhisky. We got drunk." He drew in a breath. "She and I kissed." He looked at me guiltily and said, "The morning after, once I woke up, all of us had been practically passed out in Blaise's room. She was next to me."

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