You're So Insane, Just Shut Up and Enjoy This Feeling

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part two to HSSIISRTITSWNOA (hehe tits)

sticking with the theme, have another AJR lyric title

The room smelled like it was once sterile. A thick metallic scent hung in the air, just barely sitting over the strong smell of alcohol wipes. It coated Slimecicle's lungs, covering his tongue and lingering in his throat.

He didn't mind though, it really wasn't that bad. He was supposed to be sleeping anyway, so it wasn't like he could act like it was bad, even if it was.

His eyelids were gently closed over his eyes that stung and ached with the familiar feeling of being overly tired. Why was he so tired? Hadn't he just been sleeping?

The door above his head opened with a


and someone tripped over the threshold, landing on their feet in the damp room. Slime could tell it was damp because every once in a while, there was a ping-ing sound that came from water dripping from the ceiling onto the floor.

"Gross, what the fuck?" The person muttered, their voice just loud enough to be heard by Slime.

Slime tried to open his eyes, to see who was in the room with him, but they stayed closed. He couldn't figure out why his eyes, that were still closed as gently as possible, would be practically glued shut against his will.

The sound of TV static filled the room, and a voice faded in, though the words it was speaking sounded garbled and inhuman.

"Inside of him??" The person cried, as if they were responding to the voice, even though Slime couldn't figure out how they could understand it.

The voice started speaking again, and Slime struggled to try to understand, but the moment he felt like he was on the verge of understanding, he lost it. It was as if the language it was speaking was on the tip of his tongue, but the harder he focused, the more his brain felt like mush. Melting. Out of his ears. Into his hair. Onto the bed. Dripping to the floor.

It felt funny, and he had to bite his tongue to keep himself from laughing.

"I can't go digging around in someone!" The person shouted.

The TV static shut off.

"Fuck," The voice cursed, sounding painfully distraught.

They sighed and their footsteps approached the bed Slime was laying on.

"You- look..." they said painfully, like they too were feeling like their brain was melting from their ears.

"Familiar..." they finished, as they left the bedside.

Slime wondered what they were talking about, and also what they were doing. He wished he could open his eyes.

The footsteps returned, and there was a quiet clanging sound next to Slime's head as the person set something down on a metal tray.

Then there was a cold sensation that slid up his torso, accompanied by the sound of fabric being cut, and suddenly Slime's chest was cold as his top was cut away from his body.

Oh, was he the thing the person was supposed to dig into?

Something shifted, and now he found he could open his eyes.

"Hello!" He said cheerfully.

The person jumped, dropping the pair of scissors in their hand. The scissors landed on the floor with an unhappy sound, but Slime didn't look away from the person, taking the time to observe them.

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