Escape (ending 2)

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The wire monster's claws dug deep into Charlie's arms, pulling a scream from him as hot blood rose to the surface of his skin, bubbling out of him, staining his shirt. Its claws reached his chest, ripping down diagonally from his right shoulder, all the way down to his left hip, cutting through the protective vest like butter.

Charlie shrieked, his voice breaking as tears started to pour down his cheeks, his body indecisive between taking gasps of air or screaming.

Then everything stopped. The wire monster froze, with its claws inches away from Charlie's neck. It sounded like the other people with the masks had stopped too, now only one set of slow footsteps echoing through the room, getting further away with each long second. Was that Ranboo? Charlie was too afraid to try to get out from under the wire monster, his chest rising and falling quickly as he tried to catch his breath in short gasps that filled him with bursts of pain.

Minutes passed, and still nothing happened. The pain in Charlie's chest had dulled slightly, same with the pain in his arms. The way the monster was on top of him made it so that Charlie had to carefully push himself out from under the monster with his arms so he wouldn't touch it. A few more excruciating minutes passed as he inched himself out slowly, having to stop occasionally when his arms started to throb with enough pain to make more tears streak down his cheeks.

But then he was out. Charlie staggered to his feet, pulling off the bloodsoaked vest and dropping it on the floor.

A red exit sign glowed in the not-so-far distance, pulling Charlie's gaze to it as he caught his shaky balance. Blood ran down his stomach, trailing down his leg, dripping down his fingers and onto the floor below him.

"Ranboo?" Charlie called quietly, his voice nearly a whisper. He didn't know why he was calling to Ranboo, clearly they had left, because Charlie told them to. They had probably followed the exit sign Charlie was looking at.

He let out a quiet whimper, feeling very very alone, and still in a lot of pain. Charlie wrapped his arms around his stomach, the pressure making him feel a little better. He followed the exit sign, drawing closer and closer to its red glow that matched the blood that trailed after him, trickling down his arms, dropping off his elbows before landing on the floor with a 'tik'.





The sign was right in front of him now, pointing him to the left. Charlie turned hesitantly as if something was going to be there, but nothing was except for the door, maybe forty feet away.

Charlie looked around quickly to make sure no one was about to stop him from leaving, before running to the exit, ignoring the horrific pain in his whole body, his breath coming in short, painful spurts.

His shoulder slammed into the door and it opened with an explosion of light. His hand pushed it open further, smearing blood across the door as he stumbled outside.

Nearly the second he got outside, Charlie realized how lightheaded he was. "Shit-" He muttered weakly before everything went black.


Charlie opened his eyes, wincing and covering his eyes with his hand, the lights burning. His arm throbbed with a sharp ache, making him wince again.

A door opened, the sounds of someone walking into the room reaching his ears.

"Holy fucking shit, you're awake!" Someone said, their voice sounding familiar but in the sense that it was a voice that Charlie used to hear but hadn't heard in a long time.

Slowly, Charlie pulled his hand away, blinking carefully in the bright light as he tried to get his eyes to adjust.

"Where am I?" He asked, his voice a whisper by default.

"The hospital, you've only been out for a few hours," the voice said.

"What happened?"

There was a quiet sigh. "Nobody really knows."

Charlie's eyes were finally able to be open fully without stinging, and he looked over to his side where the voice was coming from.

"Schlatt?" He muttered, surprised.

"Yeah, hey," Schlatt smiled, though he looked concerned.

Pain was slowly starting to build up in his chest and other arm, and Charlie glanced down slightly, seeing his torso wrapped with thick bandages that were slightly stained already. "What...?"

"Charlie... do you remember where you were?" Schlatt asked carefully.

"I was..." Charlie faltered, realizing he could hardly remember anything. "Um..."

"They found you outside of an abandoned mall, if that helps?"

Charlie covered his eyes again, the lights starting to give him a headache. "I don't know..."

"Are you sure?" Schlatt's voice echoed ever so slightly, just enough to be noticeable.

Charlie blinked under his hands, his eyelashes brushing against his palm. "S- sorry, what?"

"Are you sure." Schlatt's voice turned into a growl, the echo growing louder.

Charlie pulled his hands away from his eyes. Schlatt was gone. In his place was a person wearing a white mask with that black design, in their hands something that looked similar to a tape recorder.

"What the fuck?" Charlie screeched, moving away from the thing in front of him so quickly he almost fell, the gash on his chest reopening, blood starting to stain the bandage.

The person, or thing, or whatever it was turned stiffly, moving to the other side of the room as the door opened. A red light glittered across the wood of the door before Ranboo came in.

"Charlie! You're ok! Thank god. Come on, we gotta go," Ranboo said urgently.

"No, nono, what the fuck is happening man??" Charlie squeaked, pushing himself out of the hospital bed, crouching down on the other side, hiding from Ranboo.

The lights on Ranboo's mask flickered. "Charlie, please. You have to play along or they're going to come for us," they whispered.

Charlie's fear melted slowly, replaced with some dulled emotion that seemed to imitate fear. He stood up, keeping his hands on the bed, more slime leaking out of his chest, staining the bandage green. "What's the plan, Ranboo?" 

super silly 

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