Mystery child

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The kid looked up at me with the biggest starry eyes that shone in the moonlight. "Little one, where did you come from? Where're your parents?" The kid continued to look at me and didn't do anything, just continued to stare. "Umm kiddo? You understand me?" I asked again, looking for some type of confirmation that the kid could at least understand the words that were coming out of my mouth. The kid finally nodded after a few minutes, seemingly processing the words I said. He seemed to be very slow at processing or at least knowing what I was saying. "Kiddo, are you lost?" I asked him and he nodded again. I couldn't tell if he was actually listening or if he was just nodding, I decided to test if the kid was listening by asking "are your parents billionaires who abandoned you?" Of course when I asked that question he nodded so I called a guard over, the guard came over briskly. "Hey, Duke, could you search around for where this kid's parents are?" The guard nodded, took a pic of the kid then walked away to go on his search for the boy's parents.

Mason looked at the kid then at me and said "heh the kid kinda looks like you, green eyes, shines in the light, black hair, and the prettiest skin that's silky smooth, it's kinda weird" I think about his words, then I look at the kid who is looking around a lot, the guard comes back with some unfortunate news "I'm sorry to say this sir but. . . The boy's parents are both dead and for good reason, his parents were slightly insane. The boy's been through a lot, he's been forced to take drugs and he also doesn't have a great way of communicating, he was taught very few things. I found a report on it but he ran away from the custody of the police before we could take him to a new home, I should take him back to the orphanage" I stared at the guard, then at the kid, then at Mason, then at the guard again. "could you warn my parents we will be having a guest?" The guard goes to say something but I put my hand up and wave him away. Duke reluctantly left but before he did he told me the kid's name is jack.

Mason looked at me, then the kid and finally he patted the kid on the head showing that he was fine with the kid's presence. We sat in another comfortable silence and we watched as the kid played with my hair. He was a really cute kid so I allowed him to touch my hair, generally I don't let people touch my hair or me in general. Mason watched as the kid, Jack, braided my hair in a really cute old fashioned English braid. After he finished he hopped off my lap and started to wander around before his eyes landed onto a patch of flowers at the start of the manor's property. He picked a flower and walked back over to where we were seated. I went to say something but the kid put the flower behind my ear and said "perfect" to himself quietly, I almost didn't hear him. Mason looked at me with a slight tint of blush then he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"What're you planning on doing with the squirt?" Mason asked quietly as he watched the kid walk around a bit. I looked at Mason before I said that I didn't know, Mason nodded along with my words. The clock struck midnight and we realized just how long we'd been sitting outside. I didn't mind that we'd been outside for so long; I liked the conversations we were having, it made me feel more comfortable with him.

646 words

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