The eyes of an emerald god

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We walked outside to get fresh air. As we walked I heard a few people whispering about us both, mostly about how strange it was that we were both together. But me and Mason didn't let that bother us, instead, we focused on each other as we walked along the river. It was a calm, peaceful night with the full moon shining bright in the sky. The tree line across the river had appeared, it was a bit chilly as the wind blew past us but it wasn't that bad. After talking for a while, I decided to sit down on a bench and I looked at the river as it flowed by.
We were both silent for a moment before Mason said, "Hey, can I ask you something?" I hesitated and gave him a confused look before I nodded. What could he possibly be wondering? Should I ask him a question as well? Mason cut my thoughts off early as he asked his question "Why are your eyes green? I've been wondering for a while because nobody in your family has green eyes, only blue and brown, so where'd it come from?" I looked at him for a second and paused I don't even really know why my eyes are green, my mother said that it was because her father had green eyes but I don't believe that, I've always had my suspicions about me being different then my parents and sister but I never really wanted to think about why, now that he's asking it's making me wonder more than ever. "Mason to be honest I have no idea why, I don't mind the color at all, it's nice to have different-coloured eyes in my family. My mother always said my eyes were from my grandpa so I've just accepted that and moved on." I said as he nodded along to my words.  "they're the eyes of an emerald god" he said quietly as we sat in comfortable silence. Two guards named Silas and James had walked over to us and told us to go back into the manor because it was nearing the end of the night and almost time for my sister to decide who she wanted to marry. She just needed to dance with a few more people, including Mason. Both Mason and I had gotten up and started for the manor.
I was a bit nervous as I walked back into the ballroom. Nobody had noticed us slip out other than the maids, they watched us dance earlier but they didn't mind. a guard grabbed Mason and dragged him over to my sister on the dance floor. He clearly tensed as my sister put her arms around his neck and started to flirt with him, teasing him about his suit and other various aspects of his body. I practically gag at the sight, he was clearly uncomfortable with the way he was forced to dance with her. When they danced they were not graceful together, he was super tense and she was stepping on his feet, he would wince in pain but keep his composure while dancing. After the painful 3 minutes of dancing she had walked to a back room to talk to my parents about her decision. I walked over to Mason to see how he was doing. When he spotted me I could see the tears in his eyes, he looked like he was in a lot of pain. I took a peek into the back room making sure no guards or maids could hear the conversation before I fully walked in. I heard my sister telling my parents that there was one person who she had taken a liking to, that person was. . .

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