Chapter 25: Epilogue

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Under ordinary circumstances, a prime seat in the studio audience for one of famed host Gael's opening monologues would have had Sereine Lumisol on the edge of her seat. And she did enjoy it, stifling a yawn despite a wave of pride and excitement. She had taken a quick trip in from the mid-rim for this and had to be back the next day to present a campaign strategy to a new client; but tonight's client was the only one she had ever had guest on the Coruscanti Late Show, a cult favorite on too many systems to miss.

This client was also the only one she would probably ever have to win a commendation and the Monarch's Crest from the King of Naboo; the Altruism Award from Galactic Amnesty; and be shortlisted for the Galactic Peace Prize.

She had to admit it wasn't entirely fair; the Supreme Chancellor and three of her other clients wrote most of the bill, which had passed handily. But, her short film was now in the hands of a Bashor-winning documentary company, and while Sereine herself was not invited to contribute, Bel Iblis and Mothma had been asked once again to narrate. So, two of them would get a bit more recognition.

Her own contributions mattered to her colleagues and the few in a position to hire her, and she would always know, when she heard famous lines quoted from what was becoming known as Palpatine's Emancipation Speech in years to come, that some of them were hers; but, as a foundation for an eventual springboard to the Chancellor's Box, her Palpatine's third year in office had been simply unparalleled. They had only to modulate his image and keep the accomplishments coming for another seven years or so.

She smiled. It shouldn't be a problem.

The show's theme song swelled, and Correllian comedian Gael ended his monologue, crossed the stage to his desk, and ran through his guest list for tonight. Sereine had insisted on a deal that had Palpatine walk on as the second guest; not the first one, who had to keep moving down the line, and not the last one, whom people could simply stop watching. She had insisted on an evening when the third celebrity guest was also known for charitable and antislavery work, thus maximizing the chance that both guests and host would still include Palpatine even after his segment was over.

The first guest was an actress Sereine liked. She wished devoutly that she wasn't so tired. She hadn't even bothered to dress well tonight, something her Palpatine was sure to remark on.

At least her hair was red again. Finally.

The actress's segment ended and Gael introduced Senator Palpatine. Sereine had insisted on his bright blue Naboo frock coat; ethnic Naboo dress clothes. He looked splendid.

Sereine glanced about, taking in many obscene gestures. Palpatine walked across the stage, greeted the actress with a gentle handclasp, gave Gael a half-bow, and sat, glancing out at the audience and smiling.

"Senator Erasmesheev Palpatine ..."

"Sheev, please," said Palpatine. "I don't know what my parents were thinking. Just Sheev.""Senator Sheev, what is it like to see this everywhere you go?"

Palpatine laughed a soft little laugh and settled back in his chair with a rueful headshake. "It's ... disconcerting! I always forget. And then I walk into anywhere semipublic, and I see this, and there's always this moment of shock." He gestured with both hands in front of him. "I'm very grateful for the support, don't misunderstand. And I am so very grateful for all of your comms and all of your messages to your representatives that got this bill passed. Finally." Applause broke out and he had to wait.

Sereine was very happy with the whole appearance: the harrumphs over the discourtesy to Vice Chair Amedda, Palpatine's abashed admission that he had personally apologized the next day, the working in of the fact that the donations to cover his fines were far more than needed and donated to relief organizations, the congratulations over his awards, commendations, and nominations. She had cautioned him to mention everyone else who worked on the bill, which he did. And then his graceful acknowledgement that the humor was useful and a good thing and so was recognition, but at the end of the day the freeing of enslaved people and the efforts at relief and resettlement were what mattered.

It certainly did come off like a dream--you would never know Palpatine was her only "two-star" client from this appearance--and Sereine flashed her credential and was shown back to the green room to tell him how wonderful he was when he came offstage. Only she had to remain a very respectful arm's length away; no kisses and no hugs. Too many witnesses.


Palpatine sailed through the bows, the handshakes, the brief conversations, the congratulations, the well-wishes. Pleasant though it all was—and it was—he had not seen his mistress in three weeks and only one pleasant thing was truly on his mind.

His existence was falling into a strange and uneven rhythm: the dark side when she wasn't home, and everything else when she was. He still had bewildering moments of disconnection shifting between the two.

Another bewildering moment of disconnection had hit him when Master Qui-Gon Jinn had walked into the Alderaan pod the day of the vote. His master had said he read Jinn's papers on the living Force. Hearing that, Sidious had always expected Master Jinn to be a very old man. Now he realized that for his master to know the contents of those papers, some form of time travel or astral projection had to be available to Plagueis that was unavailable to Sidious.

Disconnection, indeed. And anger, again.

Except for tonight. Tonight, passion was of the darkness and  the triumph.

At last, he and Ederra slid into a speeder together and Palpatine gave the driver his address.

"I can't do that tonight," she said, resting against the opposite window, and her shortness irked him. Sereine—annoying when she clung to him, and  when she didn't.

Anger flared, which he tried to keep hidden. "Where are you spending the night?"

"On a transport back to Onderon. We have to present tomorrow and I'm not letting Tomal do it by himself. He's not ready."

"You have a flight to catch, then."

"Yes, I do. I miss you and I'm sorry, but you know I'd never have missed this." She kept her voice low, mindful of the ears of the driver.

"When is your flight, Ederra? What spaceport?"

She told him, and he promptly changed their destination.

"What are you doing?"

"Well, I'm coming with you. We'll have the night together, and I'll come back tomorrow."

At last she slid across the seat and sagged into his arms. "Sheev, I need to sleep," she said in a kind of moan. "I'm so tired, and we have to present tomorrow."

"You came all the way here, and you didn't sleep?"

She peered up at him. "I worked! I had some editing and speeches due."

He ran his hand up and down her back. "I thought you created a boutique agency so you wouldn't work yourself to death."

She tightened her arms around him. "Hm. So did I. I didn't expect my favorite client was going to win the Monarch's Crest and the Altruism Award and maybe a Galactic Peace Prize. Tends to make your rep a little busier than she might otherwise be."

He tightened his arms around her. "I'm still coming with you."

"And I'm very flattered and very happy. And I still need sleep." She raised her lips for a kiss.


Master Dooku stared out into the night, through his east window, which just happened to face LiMerge. He paced back and forth in the darkness. The brandy called out to him; but the dark side called louder.

He would uncover the secret of the place.

No matter what he had to do.

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