Chapter 10: Catching Fire

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So began the process of each conspirator watching everything on their two holocrons. No one dared entrust this task to an underling, so the hours of watching Jedi transmissions had to be carried out around daily responsibilities and the schedules of sectorial Senators. Sereine tried to fit hers around the rearranging of her office and the establishment of her new studio.

It was a dream she had had for years. She felt so much pride and satisfaction at actually being able to do this. Whatever might happen in her personal life, her professional life was going exactly as she had hoped. Nothing could ever take this away from her. She stood in the doorway watching professional holo equipment installed and promised herself: This would all go into the service of leaving the Republic in the best hands she could find.

She saw Palpatine from time to time over the next few days as she handled writing assignments for other clients. One was actually a preexisting one for Bail, and she ran into Palpatine in the Alderaan Delegation while she was there.

He concluded his conversation with Bail and then followed her out into the corridor when she left. Sereine fell into step with him.

"Twelve of these infernal votes I absolutely could not miss," he spat, "spread inconveniently throughout two days' schedules! I could have had this done by now."

"Mon Ane said her two were six and six-and-a-half hours long," said Sereine. "We're still trying to finish the studio. Mine may have to wait until the weekend."

"I don't wish to let this issue grow cold," said Palpatine. "It's been over two weeks already."

"I know," said Sereine. "Garm had the same votes to attend as you and Bail; we're all struggling for time."

He was obviously heading back to his office, and she decided to tag along with him. She had always had one little wish she had never fulfilled, and if they were to go their separate ways after this, time was running short.

Palpatine lowered his voice and said, "You could bring yours over. You work in the dining alcove, I work in my study, we take a break and have dinner? We find anything useful, we compare notes."

Sereine smiled. Her chances just went up. They had worked that way before, and some of those breaks had gotten pretty steamy. "It would have to be over the weekend. I'm so busy."

They turned into the Naboo Delegation and she followed him into his office. The door closed behind them and he walked to his desk.

She stole up behind him and reached for him, pressing each hand over a gentle curve.

"Oh," Palpatine said in surprise; then, as she reached down and stroked his inner thigh, his tenor vibrato hit a low, velvet note. "Oh, 'Reine."

He turned his head. "Why don't you do this more often?"

Since she was nearly his height, it was easy to rest her chin on his shoulder and whisper in his ear. "You would have to give me a chance."

He raised his chin a little, as if he were enjoying the feel of her hands on him. "Bring the holocrons tonight," he murmured.

"Did you fix your bed yet?" she whispered.

"Tomorrow," he said. "Special order. I'm replacing it."

"Reinforced?" She laughed.

"Something like that."

Sereine chuckled softly in his ear. "You know something?" she said. "I've always fantasized about taking you in my bed, but I never wanted to ask you."

"You didn't?"

"Well, my apartment isn't exactly 500 Republica. And it's not red."

"It will be tonight," said Palpatine.

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