Don't put butter!

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The Crows Announcements

The heartrender- I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!!

The Wraith- Can't do what?

The heartrender- I've been trying to bake a cake for like two hours!!

The Fjerdan- And??

The heartrender- IT DOESN'T WORK! They're either not fluffy or are burned... they're never perfect!

The sharpahooter- They?? Just how many messed up cakes did you bake?

The heartrender- Like 5 or 6... something like that

The heartrender- And please, they're not messed up

Wylan- Isn't that what you just said?

The heartrender- What I said. That's ok. But he can't say. That's not okay

The Fjerdan- Djel

Dirtyhands- Nina, you know what?

The heartrender- I'm not taking baking advices from you! I'm sure as hell you can't even make sandwiches!

Dirtyhands- I was not going to give you advives! I just wanted to tell you just go anywhere and buy cake! Or steal it, whatever you want

Dirtyhands- And for the record, I can do sandwiches perfectly well

The Wraith- What's the fun in eating store-bought cake? Homemade are so much more fun!

The sharpshooter- Idk.. I always cared about the taste..

Wylan- Hey Inej!

The Wraith- Yes?

Wylan- Didn't you once do a chocolate cake? Like a really good one? Why don't you teach us?

The Fjerdan- That's a good idea. But why us? I thought it was only Nina?

Dirtyhands- As I know them, they will oblige us to participate

The Wraith- i would gladly teach you. If you will obliged, is Nina's choice

Dirtyhands- You're not making me do anything. I have work to do.

The heartrender- I want to be teached. And EVERYONE will join

The sharpshooter- I don't have a prob

The Fjerdan- Well, I do. I'm not going to learn baking

Wylan- Well, I want to join

The Wraith- Kaz?

The Wraith- Kaz, u can't ignore us forever

Dirtyhands- What do you want, Wraith?

The heartrender- YOU'RE GOING TO JOIN US!!!

Dirtyhands- No

The sharpshooter- I have and idea! Whoever gets the best cake, gets 100 kruge from the one with the worst cake

Dirtyhands- I'm in

The Fjerdan- Me too, just because I want to beat you, demjin

Wylan- A video call or meeting?

The heartrender- meeting

Wylan- *starts meeting*

The Wraith- Soooo.... A chocolate cake?

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