Questions need Answers

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The Crows Announcements

The Wraith- Me and Nina were playing a game

The heartrender- So we thought 'why not play with our wonderful friends?'

The Fjerdan- Here we go again

The sharpshooter- What is it? What is it?

Wylan- Calm down! I thought you want to know what my new experiment can do?

The sharpshooter- After we play Wy

The heartrender- KAZZLE DAZZLE!! WHERE ARE YOU??

'Dirtyhands' left the groupchat

'The heartrender' added 'Dirtyhands' to the groupchat The Crows Announcements

Dirtyhands- Leave me alone Nina. I swear I have a lot to do

The Wraith- Come on Kaz, have a lil bit of Fun!

Dirtyhands- After all what I've done? You call everything I did no Fun??

The Fjerdan- He's right. I've had enough of your fun for a lifetime

The sharpshooter- Come on, bro! We need you! 

Dirtyhands- First of all, I'm not your bro, second you don't need me. You can play without me perfectly fine!

The Wraith- If you play with us, you don't need to give us 500 kruge

The Fjerdan- What? No! I still want mine!

The heartrender- Since when do you care abt money, Matti?

The Fjerdan- I don't care, I just want to annoy him

Wylan- soo... Will we play?

The sharpshooter- YASS

Dirtyhands- I'm in, but I WON'T give anything to Matthias

The heartrender- Ok, Everyone can ask a question, and the rest have to answer HONESTLY

The Wraith- I'll begin. Sooo.. What was the most embarrassing thing you did in your life?

The sharpshooter- Everyone was waiting for my shot, but it turned out that my gun wasn't loaded

The heartrender- All saints, that's bad

The heartrender- Ok, so I was REALLY mad at someone, and I was talking to myself, and when I looked up I found that everybody was staring at me as if I lost my mind

The Fjerdan- That was silly of you. Whatever, I did tumble over my feet at the days I was made an drüskelle

Wylan- Why is that embarrassing

The Fjerdan- Because everyone was standing so straight as if they were statues, and i was on the ground

Wylan- My most embarrassing day was the day my father knew I couldn't read and that I was a failure

The Wraith- Your turn, Kaz!

Dirtyhands- i got beaten up on a street and it took me weeks to repair the damage it did to my reputation

The sharpshooter- Oh wow, didn't expect that

The heartrender- Anywayysss, My question: Which feature/trait do you think suits you the most?

The Wraith- quiet, pious

The Fjerdan- strong, big

The sharpshooter- I love how creative you are, Matthias

The sharpshooter- handsome, amazing, fantastic, funny

Dirtyhands- You can't help yourself Jesper, can you?

Dirtyhands- ruthless, quick-witted

The heartrender- True (Even if you can be a lover and have a soft spot for Inej)

The Wraith- Nina!

Dirtyhands- Shut up, Zenik. Nobody asked you to explain my personality

Wylan- I love Music and I am very good at it

The Fjerdan- That's not a feature, that's basically a sentence

The heartrender- Su, Matti

The sharpshooter- My turn, my turn! Ok, What is the most thing that frustrates you/makes you angry?

Dirtyhands- When someone double-crosses me AND WHEN PEOPLE MAKE ME DO THINGS I DON'T WANT TO DO!

The Fjerdan- You're not the only one here, demjin

The Fjerdan- I hate it when someone betrays me

The heartrender- Umm.. Yeah I hate when I DON'T HAVE WAFFLES!!! And I currently don't have and I'm starving!

The Wraith- Calm down, Nina dear. I don't like it when someone beats me at combat, or when I throw a knife and it doesn't hit its target

The sharpshooter- I can't believe this. Did this ever happen?

The Wraith- No :)

Wylan- uhh.. I'll ask now: What's the biggest lesson your learned in your life?

Dirtyhands- You like to philosophize, don't you? My lesson is: Let them fear you.

The Fjerdan- Always so dark, demjin. Well, I learned that I should have hope for everyone (unless it's a living devil)

The sharpshooter- Never look bad ;)

The heartrender- NEVER EVER SURVIVE A DAY WITHOUT A WAFFLE!! (or a stack of it)

The Wraith- You and your Waffles. 'Never trust anyone you don't know good enough'

The Fjerdan- Do I have to ask now?

Wylan- Yes, I suppose? I mean if you don't want to be the last.

The Fjerdan- Ok. What do you think is the most annoying quality a person can have?

Dirtyhands- Talking too much. It just makes me want to kill this person

The sharpshooter- Looking handsomer than me

The heartrender- I look more handsome than you, so su. I don't like when someone doesn't do what I want, or when also something doesn't go the way I want it

The sharpshooter- You're NOT

The Wraith- When someone mocks me because I'm pious.

Wylan- Bullying. I don't like it when a person is a bully.

Dirtyhands- Now my question, When can I f***ing go? I have a lot to do

The heartrender- NEVER EVER

The sharpshooter- NEVER

Wylan- Whenever you want

The Wraith- Idc

The Fjerdan- NOW


I hope you liked it! 

I'm sry if I'm not going to upload a lot in the next days, I have A LOT of exams. Can someone tell me who invented Math? Or Chemistry? Or Physics? Cause I'm gonna fetch them from their graves and kill them again. Anyone who wants to join me?


Byeeee, LOVE YAAA <33

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