what did you do....

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Naruto clenches his stomach slowly getting off the ground staring at his younger self with distain

" wh.. What was that for? "

" for being pathetic. " the younger naruto spits out.

" what?. "

" you-i'm- ugh BOTH OF US. We're horrible! We know what it's like to not have a family, to come home alone, to dread our birthday. So why in the hell are you being so pathetic as to neglect your own family?! A family we so desperate yearned for! "

" ah.. " the older Naruto stares down at his younger self, a smile now masked his face as he tried to explain the situation

" well... as you can tell I'm... A bit busy, trust me I would love nothing more than to come home to my family every night but that's just not possible "

" Why!? " the younger Naruto barks back in disbelief, him?? Saying something was impossible? Now this must me an impostor.

The older Naruto releases a sigh knowing his younger self won't fully understand just yet.

" we just can't. Our job is important, the village is our family and during the era we live in I can't afford to slack off, I need to be diligent even if it hurts. I love going home to my wife and kids but-

Before he could finish his younger self intrupts tryin to cool down his fury and stoo himself from punching his older counter part

" telll me.. Tell me what is it like knowing you're daughter can't always have you on her birthdays especially when that's all we wanted as a kid. What is like knowing she tries so hard to understand why her father is hardly around. But instead or composing she decides to be a big girl and put on a smile telling her dad " I understand " even though it broke her when he promised to be there for her birthday, but she wouldn't let her dad see her so upset because he's " trying" what does it feel like to hear your little girl constantly fund excuses for you and refuse to allow that bitterness rise because that's what she's learned from her mother. "

" ... You know that's not-"

" hey. I bet Hinata doesn't say a thing huh. "

" we talked about it. We knew of the sacrifice we had to make "

The younger Naruto let's our a dry scoff " sacrifice " knowing hinata's she probably brushes her feelings aside just for you, when you wake up early unable to eat breakfast with your family I bet all she says is " its ok I understand " when you can't be there for your children's birthday and she's left alone to pick up the crumbles and try to keep them together as she used that pathetic of an excuse of " it's ok he's trying ". I her she has that sad smile plastered on her face trying not to worry you because she wouldn't be the trophy wife if she did that huh? The wife that sits back wallowing in excuses, so " patient " and " understanding " even though she's probably there at night desperately wanting you. Alone in that bed that was meant for two. Or when she's sick but she has to keep going, there's no one there to support her through that because her husband is too busy right? "

" stop-"

" OH! WAIT THERE'S MORE! What about your wife waking up without you every day, and let me guess I bet she stays up as late as she can waiting for you huh? Waiting for her husband who hasn't returned home in weeks. How about when you forgot your damn  anniversary ? I bet she sobbed to herself feeling guilty for being angry with you because she knows " you're trying " I bet she never spoke a word of it, she allowed you to forget, she probably pushed her thoughts aside deeming it unimportant. Your weeding day. The day she promised herself to you. She's probably deeming it unimportant now because her pathetic excuse of a husband can't seem to take one damn day off of work but no! She has to remain understanding. Don't want to make her husband feel bad or anything.

" this is our dream... The village is our family and I have a duty to take care of it-"

" oh yea I'm sure you said the same thing at your wedding. ".

Dead silence fillied the air

" I'm sure I made some stupid promise to her about always being there only for it to become broken. Only to sit here making excuses for myself because I can't man up and quit puttingmy family on the back burner for once. I expect them to just support me while I d the bare minimum for them only to hear " it's okay he's trying. " yea trying real hard father and husband of the year  guys!"
    The younger Naruto runs his fingers through his golden hair chuckling Sadly at his " joke"
   " I'm pathetic. "
The older Naruto now unable to throw any comebacks, hearing it from himself is a real revelation. He really didn't mean to neglect his family. Far from it, he was desperate for them, it always brought him joy when his wife was waiting for him. When he was able to come home on time and eat with all of them listening to how their days were, to actually sit and spend time with his kids. To cuddle and feel the warmth of his wife at night. To become addicted to her kisses and not have to worry about rushing off. He enjoyed every momment he had with them, it was like honey. But he had to admit he could have done a little better than what he's been giving them.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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