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Chapter Three| The Possessed Psychic |

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Chapter Three
| The Possessed Psychic |

As Edwin and Charles observed the psychic's manic behaviour, Envy got to work with designing the perfect trap and plan. Her pentagram drawings had drastically improved in both power and design since she had been told that pentagram are not just haunted drawings of stars. She perfectly copied the Latin symbols inscribed in the spell book sat delicately in her lap before concluded she was finished.

Slamming the book closed, she delicately folded the stained sheet of the pentagram and hooked it over her arm. "I know this is normal for you guys. But I'm kind of excited to be included again," Envy mentioned with a smile to each of them.

She presented the folded sheet to Edwin who glanced over it with a grin. "Job well done, Envy. We have a proper plan in place now thanks to you."

Charles hands landed on Envy's shoulders, shaking her enthusiastically before locking his arms around her in an awkward hug that left her practically burning as hot as the sun. The ghost boy radiated cold, an icy cold touch that he was unaware of and even despite it Envy felt as if she was back in the Palace of Lucifer.

Edwin eyed the pair, a frown present on his face that caused his friend to let go of the demon girl hastily.

"Just saying, I've said this for a long time, mate. We should get Emmy more involved, would certainly make some things go quicker-,"

Edwin groaned, the roll of his eyes and dramatic exasperation in his tone alerting the demon to the fact that this was a regular argument between them. She wondered briefly if Nicolas had been brought up in the conversation before too, Charles always seemed to like the other ghost boy.

Envy rapidly shook her head, hair swaying delicately against the front of her shoulders as she smiled nervously. "No, I'm happy just being the occult expert," she declined. "No need to interrupt what works."

Edwin grinned triumphantly, beckoning a hand into the demon's direction as if declaring her as the only truthful one.

Charles scoffed. "Yeah, alright. I'll get the disguises."

Following Crystal had been a bit more nerve-racking than the demon girl had first anticipated. A human haunted by a demon meant she'd be recognisable, meant that her scent would recognisable, and this was vivid in the way Crystal kept pausing to smell the air. Envy could smell it as well, she could smell and taste Hell in the air the closer she got, but pinpointing the exact demon was slightly more difficult.

It was a low tier demon, that was obvious, as Crystal erratic steps seemingly proposed the idea that she was attempting to regain her mind. The scent of the creature within her was prominent but not one Envy would associated with a creature of high power. At least that meant Crystal wasn't entirely gone yet. That the agency's efforts wouldn't be entirely futile.

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