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Chapter Two| Routine |

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Chapter Two
| Routine |

             "What about the ghost wolf?"

"Nah, not good enough."

"Okay... uh, haunted factory?"

"Too messy."

"Missing sailor?"

"No, that guy couldn't pay, remember?"

Envy glanced up from the pile of files, feet propped up on the desk as she sat in the corner of the offices. She peeled back another documented haunting, watching as Charles forcefully shoved boxing gloves over Edwin's fists. A regular conversation she has witnessed between the two friends since she and Edwin picked Charles up thirty years ago. And every time, it was amusing.

"Come on, why you so stiff?" Charles teased, patting Edwin's arms in an attempt to draw his attention away from Envy. "Loosen up. Emmy, don't distract him. This years the year, I feel it."

"You said that two years ago," Envy reminded him, setting aside a handful of wanted posters that haven't peaked Edwin's interest. "Missing thirteen year old? Odd age to go missing I'd say. Always some supernatural thing with the number thirteen," she spoke up, waving a page over her head before being promptly ignored.

The ghost from the 1910s always got the final say, Charles and Envy would follow where needed, that's how the Agency worked. And it worked well, there was no need for any extra help, aside from Nicolas who acted as the comedian whenever he popped in.

"No, I'm being serious this time." Charles bounced on his heels, shaking his body in an attempt to urge Edwin to do the same. "Come on, Edwin. I picked this just for you, mate. Boxing's a gentleman's sport, innit?"

"Mate, innit," Envy mocked. "Neither of you are listening to me."

Edwin groans, rolling his eyes with his head tilting to glance at the demon girl. "We are listening, you're just not saying anything interesting."

Envy gasped, a hand falling to her chest. "I'm hurt, ghost boy!"

"And, when will I have to hit someone? I've been dead since 1916."

"Okay, right. What if it's another ghost who's running around murdering people with, like, a power drill?" Charles mimicked the sound of a power drill, gesturing stabbing the tool into Edwin's skull. "Right into their skulls, brains and blood everywhere, and your magic doesn't work, and you have to stop him to save a client?"

"That sounds amazingly pleasing to me..." Envy trailed off when Charles paused to look at her with Edwin doing the typical glance over his shoulder at her comment. She frowned and sank into her seat. "Right, sorry. Too much?"

The boys nodded with a faint spoken agreement between them in sync.

"Look, you know we care about you but sometimes you become too devilish-," Edwin was cut off by a harsh slap to the shoulder by Charles, a deadly look in his friend's eye that warned him to shut up. "She's gotta know," he tried to explain.

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