CH 6: Wars break all hearts

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Warning. This chapter is very diffrent from the last 5. This chapter is mostly focused on the conflict and setting up the antaganist. Unlike the last 5 chapters which focused on much more of the romance plot. Next chapter will be more like the other chapters however. Im gonna slowly blend thease two sides of the story. Please read this chapter! Thank you.

Sokka POV

I wake up too the feeling of the sun hitting my skin. I look towards the roof before groaning as I slip out of my bed. "Please let today be easy" I say as I walk towards my closet and put on fresh cloths. As I finish changing I look out the window and see how much this city has grown since the last time I was here all those years ago. I hear a faint Knocking. I turn my head towards the door.

I roll my eyes before opening the door. I see a man in traditional fire nation soldier get up. I think I've seen him before. "Its a pleasure meeting you Sokka, I dont belive we have aquainted. Im general Lî" he says taking a slight bow. "Hmm... General Lî... Oh yheah I remember you. I think Toph said something about you". I say. "Suprised you even know who I am" I say. "How couldnt I. I heard of all your acomplishments in the Southern Water Tribe. I find what your doing. The stregthening the south water tribes influece on not just the northern tribe but the other nations as a whole, to be very important. Especially right after the war, and at such a young age, without bending. Im greatful to meet you". Lî says.

"Thanks" I say smiling. "I dont suppose you came to my room to introduce yourself"? I ask. "No actually I came to inform you that Firelord Zuko requests your appearance at his meeting. It was a last second decision". LÎ says. "Last second"? I ask getting annoyed. "Yes" he says before gesturing me to follow him as we walk out of my room. "Fresh out of bed. Couldnt brush my teeth, and I have to go to a meeting while the AVATAR goes on a date with my sister. I hope they are having as much fun as Im having" I think to myself. With a sarcastic tone.

We arive towards a massive door which intimidates me slightly. Genteral Lî opens the door and I see Zuko, Iroh, and the kyoshi warriors. I spot out Suki instantly and smile towards her. "Welcome Sokka, Im glad you could make it on such short notice". Zuko says. "Its cool" I tell him as I take a seat. "Are we to begin the meeting" Iroh asks Zuko. "Yes, Im sorry for informing all of you with such short notice. In truth this meeting was planned late last night." Zuko says.

"Ive been informed that there are rumors of a potential meeting between Ozai supporters. Dont know where. But I know its sometime this week, lead by someone without a name just yet." Zuko says. "Why didnt you invite Aang to the meeting" I ask.

"I dont want any susspision. I want more of a steath mission. So I cant risk having the avatar going for the mission. And they wouldnt expect you or the kyoshi warriors. They would expect firebenders or members of team avatar- exept... just you" Zuko says to my annoyance.

"So are we gonna tell Aang" Suki asks. "Not until your guys job is done. I dont need him intervining with this." Zuko says bluntly. "Isnt that dishonest"? I ask. "Im planning on telling him once we're done. Im sure he will understand". Zuko says. "Is this all"? Ty Lee asks. "Yes, you are to begin by nightfall. Patrol the city tonight"! And every other night till you learn something useful. Until then, you are dismissed" Zuko tells us. "Thank you" I say as me and the kyoshi warriors leave the room.

The momment we leave Suki hugged me. "Its nice seeing you again" she says. "YOU TOO! I have been thinking about you for so long" I say happy to see Suki after all thease years. "Yheah, its been too long" she says before kissing me on my lips. "But, before we hang out brush your teeth" she says tasting my bad breath. "I just woke up, I didnt have time too-" I try to defend myself before being interupted. "Its 12pm Sokka" she says.

"Oh... I should do that then" I say awkwardly laughing. "Where are you staying at"? Suki aks. "In the palace, me, Toph, Aang and Katara moved in yesterday kinda". I say as I guide her away from the rest of the kyoshi warriors and towards my room.

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