The Monster: Part 1: The Meeting

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Slenderman's POV:

Ok, I have all facts and clues. After that night with Zalgo and cheering him up, I knew I needed to find this creature. Only I can torment the hellish beast.

- Obviously has stalker like abilities. Able to watch and get through the forest making small noises to where it is believed is an animal
- Food prints are larger, more likely a demon or some sort if eldritch
- Mind bending, they have some ability to get in someone's mind making person feel paranoid and have high levels of anxiety
- Carnivorous, most people have been disappearing but not by me, my proxies or Zalgo

Now all I need to find is this thing out here.

I walked into the library at the demon palace since it has anything from demons to exorcisms. Then headed into the demon section, picking one of the older books. Eventually, while flicking through an dusty black book with purple like tentacles covering the front, I found the page.

This creature are called part of the puppet like demon family, "Mind Keepers"

Apparently these motherfuckers like to stalk their victim and then mind control them into giving them more power. Ain't that interesting? This bitch wants to manipulate and control my fiance!

I won't let that happen!

I took the book and teleport it back to my office room. I then started to prepare to head home until I feel a metal rod being knocked into the back of my head.  My body falls to the ground where I then turned my head. Getting a good loom who harmed me. There stood someone who looked like me. The lights go off and everything goes dark.

The room was hollow and cold. My skin shivered as I gain conscious. I looked around to find myself in an dark chamber. Where in hell am I? Who took me to this ratchet place? I stood up from the ground and grabbed the bars. I shook them and made a loud rattle. "Let me the fuck out!"

I hear a soft female chuckle, a gold shimmery spiral shinning in the darkness. My heart began beating against my sternum. What the hell?

There coming out of the darkness almost resembled a puppet. A tall women with white skin, lengthy arms and legs with lines at the joints stood before me. Long, Fluffed pale hair.. She wore a long black dress, as it went down her knees it turned transparent slowly. Giving me a view of where the knee conjoins. Glad your giving me a good look, now I know where to break you. I swear once I get out I will break every limb and make you die slowly, and painfully.

I can't see her face.

"Hello Slenderman~" Her voice purred. Vomit curled in my throat.

"Nice you know the name, now why am I here?"

"Now that isn't how you start a conversation Mr. You should know that. Anyways, you can call me Dearest."

"Psycho bitch suits you." I laughed.

"Such an impolite man, I see your rotten insides match your outside." She says, looking down at me like i am some animal.

"I appreciate the compliment." My hands curling up in fists. "You'll look like that soon once I'm out of here."

She giggled. "Such the charmer."

"Oh please bitch, your just seeing the tip of my iceberg." My tentacles coming out and placing me in an defensive position. Ready to attack.

"Oh I would to see more..~" Dearest crouched down to me. There the spiral on her face began glowing, my limbs going limp and a numbness taking over. What the hell?!! My body being taken over by an incredible force. A growl coming out of my throat. The spiral glowing brighter, feeling of being in my body gone. One last thing coming out of my mouth before going dark once again.

"Damn you psycho bitch."


To be continued....

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