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My Saviour

Désirée tossed and turned but no matter the position she was in she couldnt get comfortable.

She decided to get some air and stay up until she felt tired enough to fall asleep again.

She quietly crawled out her bed carefully trying not to awaken her roommates who were in a deep sleep. Athena was lightly snoring whilst Adelines face was completely covered by her blanket which indicated to Désirée no matter the noise she made her roommates would not wake up.

She got her shoes and a small plastic bag hidden in her night stand.

She grabbed the invisible cloak she had stole from her eldest cousin before making her way down to the slytherin common room.

Everything was still.

There was still a small fire going in the corner and the lights were on. Indicating someone must have just been here.

She brought the cloak around her body as she stepped into the halls.

She stepped lightly up the stairs of the astronomy tower hoping no one would catch her at the top of the tower.

She noticed a familiar figure stood on the railing of astronomy tower holding onto the wall for support. He had looked ready to jump but as he turned his head, shocked to hear another voice Désirée could see the fear in his eyes and she was able to tell who he was

Regulus Black

Younger brother of Sirius Black, the blood traitor and the one who had been living with her cousin for the past year

"You do know killing yourself wont fix anything" she joked walking over to where he was to lean on the railing
"You dont know shit" he glared at her
"I do know it wont be worth it, trust me ive learned it the hard way" she chuckled
"Just go away" he rolled his eyes looking down over the ledge
"How about you come down first" she said

He continued standing on the ledge and ignored her words.

She decided to stand up on the ledge next to him ignoring the looks she got from him

"What the fuck are you crazy" He yelled as she found her balance and leaned on the wall
"Im not letting you go alone" she said with a small smile
"Youre crazy" he groaned, jumping off the railing knowing he couldnt have the girl kill herself for him even though they dont know eachother

"Désirée, Désirée Holt" she said holding her hand out which he refused to shake "youre Regulus Black I presume" she smiled letting her hand fall to her side
"What do you want Holt" he shot at her
"Wow Black, i just saved your life and i dont even get a thank you" she joked taking out her plastic bag and rolling herself a blunt which she lit with the lighter she had in her jacket pocket
"I didnt ask you to save me did i" he sent daggers her way

She held out her cigarette in a offering manner which he took, inhaling the smoke before passing it back to her

The two sat on the astronomy tower not daring to speak another word to one another.

Not much time had passed before he had abruptly gotten up leaving her alone sitting on the cold floor all by herself.

After her third cigarette she knew she was high out of her mind.

Her brain was doing a hundred things at once and she could barely stand up straight. She stumbled her way down to the slytherin dorm rooms.

As she entered the common room, she noticed Regulus sat in the corner of the common room a book in hand. His facial expression was hard. His jaw was tense and he furrowed his eyebrows.

She decided to leave him be knowing he might not be in the right state of mind for a chat. So she struggled up the stairs alone holding onto the walls for support before turning to the girls dorms and walking to hers.

She snuck in quietly hoping she didnt wake any of her roommates up before she crashed on her bed sleep taking over her as soon as her head had hit the pillow

Saved You To Save Me | Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now