Yesterday's Lie (Luz and Vee's Side)

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A/N 1: And now for Luz and Vee's part of Yesterday's Lie.


Luz's room at the Noceda residence had a bed covered in stuffed animals, a computer with a desk, a bookshelf, and figurines...all of which were shoved to the side. 'Luz' examined a photograph of her younger self. Even that was dumped into a box, and she exhaled with relief, stretching her arms.

"Much better," she said as she bent down and picked up the package. She approached her mirror and stared at her reflection.

"Mm," she fixed the loose strand of hair in front of her, which also had a yellow barrette on the sides.

"What are the boxes for, Mija?" Camila said as the girl came out of the house.

" up a little," 'Luz' grinned, looking down at the box.

"Even this?" Camila displayed a tinfoil swan. "You used to love making me tinfoil swans."

"Oh, I'm, uh, just looking for a fresh start," 'Luz' informed her mother. "Camp taught me a lot, you know?"

Camila looked apprehensive as she placed the boxes beside the trash.

" sure did," she replied, placing a palm on her cheek. She couldn't help but feel something was off.

Camila gasped when she heard the squeak. She looked to the side and saw an innocent bunny's foot being held by thread from a slingshot trap. The woman let out a piercing gasp.

"Luz, grab the pliers."

She dashed off to fetch the necessary goods, Camila donning gloves. 'Luz' handed her the pilers.

"Okay, okay, little bunny. You'll be fine," she said as she carefully snipped the string. "There we go."

The rabbit shook its leg before scurrying back into the forest.

"That's the fifth trap this week," 'Luz' said, shifting his gaze away.

"If I ever catch who's responsible, I'll-pow-pow!"

Her 'daughter' laughed at her.

"Let's go back inside. I'll make maduros," she said, booping her nose as she went away.

'Luz' followed her into the house, returning to her bedroom. She smiled as she gazed at the mirror.

"A new life..." She took a white and purple striped shirt.

She closed the doors and noticed that their reflections had shifted. Instead, the real Luz faced them, and she did not appear happy.

"You!" She yelled fiercely, the doppelganger shrieking.


A few hours earlier...

Outside the Owl House, Luz and Bijou stood in front of a homemade portal entrance. Eda, King, Hazel, and Hooty stood in front of them.

"So, according to Philip's instructions, the hardest part to making a portal was finding someone who knew how to build it," Luz went on to add. "But a lot of the ingredients are pretty easy to find."

"Well, it appears the items you have hoarded in your shed have finally come in handy, Eda," Bijou grinned, turning to face the Owl Lady.

Eda clicked her teeth and winked.

"Don't forget this," King said regretfully, handing over Amity's ruined glove.

"Titan blood..." She gently rubbed her thumb against it. "I can't believe something this powerful was in the old key this whole time."

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