chapter 1: Friends for Life

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"Hey What's up, Where are the others?" I asked Ell.. while she was busy texting on her phone.

"Ohh Hii, Sit. They are all still in class and will be here in like half an hour I guess." She replied still completely engrossed in her phone.

"Seriously Ell who have you been busy texting talking to? I feel ignored now." I said making myself sound over dramatic like always.

Ell and I have been friends since the 3rd year of the college after we both had a fall out with our OG friends group when we joined college. Actually Ella, Abby, Arya and Me Tessa, we all met the same way. We all had a fall out with our respective group of friends and then just found each other in Spanish classes that we all took together since the start of the college but never bothered speaking before. Our friendship grew stronger really quickly as we all understood each other really well and had very similar interests. Even though we all had our respective roles to play in the group. Ella was the party girl and closest to me in the group. She and I were like sisters and we helped each other through thick and thin. She lived with her parents and I used to live with my cousin sister, Sofia, and Ella's school friend Amara. They just moved in 2 months ago and since then they too have become a part of our group.

"Ohh I am so sorry. You won't believe who is coming back?" She said in an overly excited tone and I have seen her this way only twice in my life, once when she got a 7+ CGPA and the other time when she got her cat.

"Who?" I asked trying to match her excitement.

"Nic. Nic is coming back. Oh my God Tess. You are going to love him so much. He was with us during school time and then he got a job in New York and had to shift there. But I guess after 4 years now he is coming back and I guess he has left his job so I think he is going to stay." She said all of it in one breath and as I was about to respond I heard Abby's voice from behind, "ohh I see, and what does this Nic look like? Is he hot?" Abby said with an evil smile. And we all laughed.

That entire afternoon Ella informed us everything about Nic and how she, Nic and Amara were very great friends during school time but then Nic drifted apart as life happened. She also mentioned that she and Nic even tried dating for a month or so but they both realised that they were better off as friends so that's that.

By the time she was done with her story it was already 5PM and we all just thought of going to my flat to chill a bit. So we took a cab and came home.

Amara opened the door for us and then we all settled down in my room. With some wine and lots of snacks. Yes we all ate a lot I guess but I was the only one who didn't drink so I just survived on some apple juice and snacks.

"Hey Amara did you speak to Sofia? She is not home yet" I asked Amara

" Yes she said she got some last minute work so she will be home by 8PM. " She said and I nodded.

We all chatted for a while and then Abby asked me "Tess are you following through with Tinder? We downloaded it on your phone last week and I really hope that you have chatted with at least a few of them and have been on a date for once?"
I was the only single in our group after my last breakup which was more than a year ago. The guy cheated on me Andi had been having trust issues ever since and really didn't want to date anymore. But I guess my friends didn't agree with my decision and wanted me to start dating again and I had finally agreed on the same last week but still haven't done anything about it.

She took my phone before I could answer as she knew what my answer was and started swiping left and right. It seemed as if a panel of my friends were interviewing for a guy fit for me and though it was really annoying I found it really sweet.

After swiping a lot of left my friends finally agreed on a guy and started chatting with him as a group pretending to be me, while I just sat there laughing at the discussion they were having before each response.

While this was going on, I heard the doorbell and opened the door to greet Sofia who seemed really exhausted so I asked her to change while I made some hot chocolate for her.

Sofia and I were really close since childhood and we used to meet every ear during summer break when I used to visit my Nani's Ghar during childhood. She moved in to Delhi last month when she got a job in an MNC and has been living with us since.

She took her hot chocolate and added some wine in it and then sat with us joining the panel to find me a date while I rolled my eyes in surrender.

After almost 10PM Abby and Arya left for their places while Ell decided to stay over and return home tomorrow after college with Amara who had some work back at home.

At night when we all went to our room I lied on my bed and thought about the day that I had. I really love my life here and my friends, they are amazing. A few years ago when I first came to this city, I never thought I would be able to make a life of my own this great. I smiled while all these thoughts ran through my mind and then all of a sudden I remembered something

"Nic. Nic is coming back. Oh my God Tess. You are going to love him so much."

And I just opened my eyes in shock. That's weird. Well Mr. Nic maybe we will meet soon. And with that I dozed off into a deep and peaceful sleep.

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