Crisis Point

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As Emma and her companions pressed on through the forest, their senses on high alert for any signs of danger, they were suddenly set upon by the sorcerer's minions—an ambush orchestrated with deadly precision and ruthless efficiency.

With a cry of alarm, Emma and her friends sprang into action, their swords flashing in the dim light as they fought off their attackers with all their might. But the minions were relentless, their numbers overwhelming as they closed in on the group from all sides.

In the chaos of battle, Oliver found himself facing off against a particularly formidable opponent—a towering figure clad in black armor, his eyes burning with malice as he swung his sword with deadly intent.

With a grunt of effort, Oliver parried the blow, his muscles straining against the force of the attack. But despite his skill and determination, he soon found himself outmatched, his defenses faltering under the relentless assault of his foe.

"Oliver, look out!" Liam cried, his voice filled with concern as he rushed to his friend's aid.

But it was too late—before Liam could reach him, Oliver was struck down by a powerful blow, his body crashing to the ground with a sickening thud.

As Emma and her friends watched in horror, their hearts heavy with despair, they realized the true extent of the danger they faced. With Oliver gravely injured and their enemies closing in on all sides, they knew that their mission was in jeopardy—and that their chances of success were growing slimmer by the moment.

But despite the overwhelming odds stacked against them, they refused to give up hope. With grit and determination, they fought on, their spirits unyielding as they pushed back against their attackers with all their might.

And as the battle raged on around them, they knew that they would not rest until they had achieved their mission and brought an end to the sorcerer's reign of terror once and for all—even if it meant sacrificing everything they held dear in the process.

.Chapter 13 End.

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