Chapter 3

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Rusty-Jake Rodriguez Point of View

28th September 2023

TW: Swearwords

"Don't touch me," Wessel said with a tough tone. "please..." he whispered. My eyes widened as I heard that shaky tone. Something has deffinitely happened to him in the past. He tried getting up, but he slipped and fell completely this time. His head hit the ground with a loud thud. I stood there in silence, processing what had just happened. "Wessel?" I said. No response. "Wessel?" I asked again as I got down on my knees next to  him. Still no response from the Dutchman. I turned him around and I felt fear fill my body. There was running blood down his forehead. His eyes were shut, his cheek stained in tears. I bit my lip in frustration. Fuck. I quickly got up and found a towel. I wiped the blood away and put a band-aid on his forehead. I put my head on his chest to hear his heartbeat, to make sure he was completely alright. His heartbeat was a bit unsteady, but at least it sounded normal. I picked him up, not a thought even crossing my mind about his weight. As soon as he was in my arms, I felt a bit worried, 'cause fuck he's light. I carefully placed him on the bed as I frowned in disgust. How? The guy is older than me... but he's so... he's so thin-- and light. I pulled up his shirt a bit, just to see just how much it was. This time, I saw something that I didn't yesterday. There was a scar on his waist. I frowned again, in frustration and confusion. I pulled his shirt back down and stared at his face. I took off my glasses and put them down on the nightstand. I gently placed a hand upon his face. I leaned in and placed my lips on his. After a while, I pulled away. I blushed and sat down on the floor. Why the fuck did I do that?? I sat there for a few minutes, wondering why I did do that. Eventually I got up and found some clothing to put on. I checked the time and quickly threw it on. It was around 8 am, so fairly early, and still quite a while until the Players Championship today would start. I looked back over at Wessel. I can leave him alone for a short while. I left the room and took the elevator down. I walked over to the area where we eat breakfast and whatever. I picked up my phone and called Rowby. After a short while, he picked up. "Where are you?" I asked as I looked around for him. "At Luke's house." he said with a tone that said 'isn't that fucking onvious?'. I sighed. "Fine, whatever." I said in annoyance. He scoffed and hung up. I stuffed my phone back down and got some food. I spotted Dimitri and Damon. I walked over and smiled. Me and Rowby usually eat with them, so it should be alright. Just then I realised that Mike wasn't here. Ususlly he'd be here too. Dimi smiled back, and I sat dowm next them. "Where's Rowby?" Dimi asked confused, yet still a smile on his face. "He's with Woodhouse." I replied, adjusting my glassed in the process. "Oh yeah, they got paired." Dimi said to himself. "Where's Mike?" I asked. Damon pointed over to a table a bit away from us. There the Belgian sat with who I recognised to be Nico Kurz. I shrugged and turned back to them. "Who did you even get paired with?" Dimi asked. "Wessel Nijman." I replied. "Is he nice?" Damon asked. I gave them a quick thumbs up. Still got to figure some things out about him though.

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