Chapter 11

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Back in Metro City, Orrin answered the door to Dr. Tenma's apartment. Armed soldiers pushed him out of the way. President Stone and General Heckler marched in. They looked angry.

"Good afternoon," Orrin said politely. "How-"

"Search the apartment!" General Heckler barked. "Leave no stone unturned!"

Dr. Elefun stepped into the hallway, confused.

"Arrest this man!" President Stone ordered.

"Yes, sir!" General Heckler replied. He nodded, and two soldiers grabbed Elefun by the arms. They attached handcuffs to his wrists.

"What are you doing? Stop!" Dr. Elefun cried.

"Where is Dr. Tenma's robot son?" President Stone asked.

"He isn't here!" Dr. Elefun said.

Dr. Tenma burst in. He looked tired and worried. "What's the meaning of this?"

"You put your core for my Peacekeeper into your robot," President Stone said angrily. "I'm running for reelection, in case you hadn't noticed, and we're in an arms race with the Surface!"

"An arms race," Dr. Elefun muttered. "What nonsense."

"It was my stupid mistake," Dr. Tenma said. "When I lost my son, I thought I'd be able to ... I thought ..." "

"I hate losing, too," President Stone said. "Ask any of my wives. But we've got to get over all of this personal stuff. You're head of the Ministry of Science, Tenma. It's time to move on. Get the core back. Get it into the Peacekeeper. Let some good come from all this mess."

Dr. Tenma glanced at Dr. Elefun, still in handcuffs. His friend shouldn't have to be punished for this. He nodded in agreement.

"When you find the robot I'll deactivate it and give you the core," Tenma promised.

"Good man," President Stone said. He nodded to the soldiers. "Let him go."

The soldiers freed Dr. Elefun. He shook his head and looked out the window, at the world beyond Metro City.

"I hope you never find him," he said softly.

Down on the Surface, Astro followed his new friends across a rickety bridge. Rope scraps connected the wood planks and pieces of metal together. It swayed as they walked. Trashcan walked behind them.

Astro looked down at the makeshift huts below. Everything was made out of old robot parts and other garbage thrown down from Metro City.

"So there are actually people living in these ruins?" he asked.

His remark made Cora angry. "Ruins? Hey, it might not look like much to a Metro City kid, but this place is home to us."

Cora stopped in front of the opening of a long, twisting tube. It looked like something from a water park ride.

"Here we are," she said.

Cora jumped in, and they all followed her, sliding down the tube. Astro bumped into Trashcan.

"Sorry," he said.

They landed in front of what looked like a big junkyard surrounded by a tall fence. The door to the gate was closed. Cora gave it a kick and lights turned on, illuminating a pattern of shapes.

A panel on the top of the door slid open and a boy poked his head out.

"What's the password?"

"Don't make me hurt you," Cora said.

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