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SOMETIMES KAI HAD GOOD PLANS. Hiro would never say that out loud, of course, because he valued the foundation of mutual distaste they'd built their rivalry on, but he could admit that sometimes—SOMETIMES—the Master of Fire wasn't a complete idiot. Sometimes.

The Ninja and Hiro walked into the courtyard when night fell across the island, turning the sky into a billboard of blinking stars almost drowned out by the moon's brightness. They had under an hour to figure out Chen's plan—then, like it or not, Jay and Cole would fight for the ability to keep their power and stay in the tournament.

It was a large space, big enough to be its own arena. A water channel ran throughout the middle of the courtyard, filled by an unknown source and emptying into the ocean. Directly in the center of Chen's temple, it was the perfect place for an out-of-the-way meeting between a group of Elemental Masters. A ring of trees and rocks surrounded the center pool of water, a pattern of one after the other. They found the Master of the Mind sitting on one of the rocks, his back to them and his eyes closed in thought—or reading someone else's.

Crickets chirped as the group approached the older man. Lloyd led the charge, the natural voice of reason since Garmadon wasn't allowed in the temple at night. Hiro wondered where he went off to sleep when it came time, but had already decided not to stress himself out about it; Garmadon knew the risks of coming to the island and could take care of himself. He couldn't afford to worry about Lloyd's dad when Zane was chained to a wall and lacking his memory.

"We need your help, Neuro," Lloyd whispered once they were close enough. Despite his quiet tone, Hiro felt like he was shouting; the silence of the night was broken now, and when such a peace was disturbed, it was too obvious where the sound had come from. Hiro barely resisted the urge to check over his shoulder for anyone who could be listening.

"You think I can get close to Chen and read his mind," Neuro spoke, not turning to face them, "so you can find your robotic friend and not have to fight."

Kai stepped forward. "Don't forget—"

"You still need to know what Chen's up to because he's hiding something."

Hiro felt something like electricity run down his spine, raising the hair on the back of his neck; Neuro was looking into his mind to figure out what Hiro wanted. He glared at the back of the man's head and decided to speak anyway. "And—"

"You want to know why you're not in the bracket to compete in the tournament with the rest of us," Neuro finished.

"That's really impressive, Nerdo," Jay said.

Neuro stood and turned so fast that Hiro was sure he should have fallen off the rock. "It's Neuro," the man said sharply, "Master of the Mind." He put his hands on his hips and leaned forward. "Your boyfriend is keeping secrets," he told Lloyd, "and Cole thinks Jay won't last long in a fight."

Hiro's brows furrowed. Boyfriend?

Jay scoffed, turning to Cole. "You think that?" he demanded.

"You just said it yourself!" Cole pointed out.

"But you didn't have to believe it!" Jay punched Cole's shoulder. Cole narrowed his eyes.

"Don't be offended, Cole. Jay here thinks you're the least valuable Ninja."

"You don't say," Cole snarked, taking a step closer to Jay.

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