New life

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Eight months Time jump.

One month before Ryan and Haney fight.

One month before Ryan and Haney fight

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Aluna POV

"Goodbye you guys see you tomorrow."
I said to my workers as I made my way out the out the restaurant after a very long day off work,
I instantly groaned as my eyes came upon two off Theo men waiting outside in a black suv in the parking lot next to my car.
It's been eight months and Theo still have them follow me everywhere after work making sure I go nowhere but straight to his house.
I let out a groan rubbing my temple,
I have been having lots off headache this past month,
its probably because I haven't been getting enough sleep.
After all I have been working endlessly some times overtime just I don't have to go home and spend time with Theo.

"Boss wants you to have dinner with him tonight with his parents.
Jace one Theo's men said as he walked me to the car.

"Tell your boss I'm tired and I'm not coming to dinner."
I said opening the car door.

"Yea he knew you would say that, so he asked me to show you this,"
Jace said pointing to his phone showing me a picture of Elias and the kids at the gym in Greece.

"That picture was taken today, one word from the boss and those kids will be blown to pieces in that gym."
"so for the sake off those kids go to dinner with the boss without making an issue."
Jace said pleading with me looking stressed and fed up off my stubbornness.

"Theo lost track off Ryan because he can't find his Location in Texas so he's threatening me with the kids at the gym now?"
I said looking at Jace shaking my head.

"Boss will do anything to keep you at bay, so please Aluna just do as he say before innocent kids get hurt."
Jace said taking a deep breath.

"Of course I'll go to dinner with his parents I wouldn't risk those kids life Jace."
I said taking a deep breath entering the car.

"You need to stop this stubbornness Aluna."
"One day someone is going to get hurt for it."
Jace said getting in the car driving off.

"Jace said getting in the car driving off

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