Chapter -1

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Every story starts with the same pattern, like once upon a time. However, the story disrupts the pattern. Instead of the usual beginning, the story starts with a unique phrase. It is a phrase that suggests a new beginning and promises something different. I hope okay. Let's start with sunny weather and a clear sky with no clouds. The sunlight penetrating through the curtains casts a soft, warm glow on everything. The room had soothed colors, peaceful artwork, and "Do Something Great" quotes on the wall.

Inside the room, an abundance of Minecraft-themed objects and decorations surround him, each showcasing the distinctive style and characters of the adventures and anime. Everywhere you look, a treasure trove of Minecraft-related items brings the virtual world to life.

The collection includes a delightful assortment of wooden figures, like Naruto and Monkey D. Luffy anime characters. Miniature replicas of familiar blocks like straw hats, shuriken, and wood adorn the space alongside beloved characters. These playful Minecraft-themed objects infuse the room with adventure and unleash your creativity.

Besides Minecraft decorations, the room boasts real plants that bring nature indoors. One of these plants is a cactus, known for its spiky appearance and ability to thrive in dry conditions. It adds a bright green splash and a distinct touch to the room, creating a calm atmosphere. There is a large sofa with comfortable cushions. Sitting on the sofa is a guy wearing a black shirt and jeans. The shirt is night sky blue, while the jeans are deep blue. He had bandages applied to his hand at the hospital, and on them were the words "Get well soon." The guy appears relaxed, unwinding, and resting.

As we look at him, he sits silently, his lips pressed tightly together. He has a guarded look and avoids eye contact with the doctor. The room feels welcoming but suffocating to him, as if unspoken words weigh down the air. His eyes may be red and puffy, indicating sadness, but he seems tough.

It's clear that he is suffering through a tough time, and his emotions overwhelm him. He is a person who never wants to show his emotions to others, doesn't want others to judge him, and specifically doesn't want to answer to anyone.

Inside the room, two adorable pets bring life and joy to the space. The first is a Bombay cat, known for its elegant movements. This cat has a sleek black coat that shines in the sunlight, and its eyes capture attention. Indeed, the situation with the black cat wearing a collar with the name written on it is quite metaphorical.

The Bombay cat's natural black colour, which matches its name, adds a delightful touch of coincidence, and it wears a collar with a Yin-Yang symbol. It seems like the doctor has a playful and humorous side, adding comedy to the scenario. His delightful interaction with BLACK, a Bombay cat with black fur, along with the doctor's cheerful attitude, makes for a touching and unforgettable moment. Its presence adds sophistication and beauty to the room.

Meanwhile, a playful hamster moves rapidly and energetically. This tiny creature showcases its adorable nature as it explores its surroundings. With its small paws, it adds playfulness and excitement to the room. Together, these two pets bring a lively atmosphere to the room, filling it with their unique personalities and endearing traits. Their presence will bring positive energy to everyone who enters the space.

The cat saw a guy with a puffy face. The cat had its wishes and desires but kept them secret. Perhaps it wanted to love and cuddle, so it stayed near the man's feet for comfort. Or perhaps it wanted to play and have fun, even though he was feeling down. Whatever the cat desired, only it knew

Ian lifted his head. "Hey, Doc," he stated, his tone serious. "I'm not here to chat about myself ."

Alright, Ian. "What is on your mind?" The voice came from the opposite side of the couch.

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