Ffarquard Wanderers

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A few days have passed, as Tidmouth was now considerated a safe area. Yet there were some people who have sworn on their life the presence of infected people all over the island.

And not only in the island, as it had already infected most of Europe, making the need for a cure the current, and most important, objective for humanity.

One of the doctors discussed the situation with Oliver's driver, as the great western engine wondered about that would have happened to his friends, and most of all, what happend to Sir Topham Hatt.

Eventually, Oliver was told about heading down the mainline, as he was to take one of the head doctors to a base that would be near there, and despite his fear of being found and possibly killed by an infected, he accepted.

Percy and Duck, however, were highly against this. Oliver said it was best if they wanted to find a cure for this infection, but Duck quickly responded to that.

"Every time they try, it mutates, it keeps on changing."
The great western engine said.
"Don't risk your life over nothing!"

Oliver was still determined, if there was a way for this to be a happy ending, it would be by finding a cure.

The head doctor, along with a few Soldiers who had made their way to the station sat on Toad, as Duck tried to convince Oliver to stay.

"Duck, i promise, i will be fine. Ill return safetly as soon as we possibly can."
Oliver looked back at Duck, who was still not convinced.

Toad, still unsure himself if this was a good idea, sighed.
"Im affraid there is no way to change his mind, believe me, i've tried."

"Then... Why not take a coach instead? You can stay with me and Per-"

"Because i've promised Mister Oliver i would be there for him always. And that's what i will do."

Duck said nothing at all, just hoping Oliver and Toad returned safetly to Tidmouth.

As Oliver and Toad made their way up the line, they passed several stations they've been in a few times remains of people and rolling stock laid on the ground and rails

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As Oliver and Toad made their way up the line, they passed several stations they've been in a few times remains of people and rolling stock laid on the ground and rails.

Suprisingly, no animals seemed to be affected, as none seemed to be infected, in fact, Oliver spotted a few cats and birds along the way.

They eventually encountered an infected person, who Oliver recognized as one of the station workers at Callan. Seems he was infected pretty early on, however the soldiers on Toad quickly eliminated him, Oliver only looked down, and continued along the line, until he arrived at a small goods station.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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