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Waking up is the best time of my day. I hate to wake up but I love how I wake up. In the arms of my mate.

Opening my eyes I look at his mascular arms holding me tight like I would disappear from him. But I never will we love each other to much to be kept apart.

Brushing my fingers lightly on his arm up and down making a smile appear on his face in his sleep making me smile as well.

Kissing his lips softly I pull back only to be pulled back down into one more kiss.

Smiling I kissed back.

"Well good morning, handsome," I smiled as he snuggled into me.

Muttering a 'good morning' he pulled back and pulling me with him. On top to be exact.

With a smile on my face I jump out of bed not before giving him one last kiss.

I took a much needed shower and scrubbed my body. Humming a song I hear him running down the stairs as I just continued.

I dried off after the shower and put on ly normal day clothes.

Grabbing my necklace putting it on holding it in my palm as I focused on it. Feeling how it grasps my power I smiled and walked out the door.

I grabbed my book at put it in my bag.

Grabbing a basket on my way I ran to the vield. Leaving the pack grownds I feel how I pass the border.

The cold air on my skin as I walked between the flowers.

Now it's time to pick some herbs for the pack hospital. We rely mostly on the herbs that this feed provides for us.

And as future Luna I need to keep my pack healthy even if I'm not a werewolf.

Pulling the herbs out of the ground and plucked some leaves off I devide then into groups. On group for the herbs I plan to grow at pack lands. And another group for the medicine.

After a few hours I got up and looked at the sky. Dark clouds covered the skies.

I decide to go back to pack lands before Rogues decide to take advantage of the storm.

Making my way to pack grounds I didn't feel the border. Frowning I picked up the pace and jogged to the pack house.

To my horror rogues covered the whole area.

Bodies laying around. Blood covered the grass. Screaming and crying filled the air.

I looked in the center of the group of rogues and saw my mate, Lukas, fighting off to protect a child.

I tried to go to them and get the child away but I was blocked.

One flick of my wrist the rogues flew through the air to the trees. I ran to them and made sure the kid is safely at a distance.

"Lucas you okay," I asked in a calm but serious tone. The rogues just had to make me mad.

Giving a stiff nod he clawed at the rogues that cornered us.

He pounced at the wolf as I blocked the other from coming to us.

We kept going for what felt like hours then back up came. Our warriors came and faught most of them off.

I looked at Lucas as saw he was out of breath. I tried to get to him but was stopped when I felt a pain in my side.

I fell down immediately. I looked to my left and saw a wolf growing and snarling at me. Not having the power to fight I crawled back.

My eyes began to feel heavy as I looked ho Lucas ripped the wolf's throat out.

And I was out. Only then the last thing I felt was a single rain drop falling on my cheek.


2 months later:

When I woke up I heard beeping of a monitor. Frowning I opened my eyes not seeing Lucas.

I saw white walls and a big window that showcases the bright shining sun indicating it's... Summer?

Jumping out of bed I fell down instantly. I groaned in pain but got up.

Rubbing my now sore neck I didn't feel my necklace...

"Shit," I curse in a panic.

I ran around the room looking for it but found nothing but my clothes.

I put those on and ran out as fast as my sore body could. It took a while but I made it. I looked up at the house. Our house.

Lucas wasn't at the hospital so he must be here. With a smile I ran through the door. Looking around I saw nothing.

I shine caught my eye as I looked at the counter and found my necklace laying down.

Thank God!

I put it on holing it and felt the power and let it take some of mine.

This necklace runs in my family coven. Each one that wears it stores their power in it till they need it most.

I got it when mom died and stored some power in it each day since then.

Smiling I ran to Lucas's office but he isn't there. Walking to our bedroom I heard his voice. With a grin I ran to the door and pushed it open with the biggest smile.

"Lucas I'm ba-," I stopped as I looked at him.

Smile is gone. He is in bed. With another she-wolf. Their heads turn to me. Horror washed over his face.

I was out for God knows how long and 8 find him in bed after I woke up with another woman.

He jumped out of bed about to run to me but realized he had no clothes on.

I thank God that I'm not a wolf otherwise the mating bond would have hurt me alot more.

I say nothing. Not even looking at the woman that is in bed.

My eyes stay on Lucas.

I fight back the tears as I turned around and walked out the house. I saw my old book and took it also. As I reached the front door I heard him running down the stairs almost falling.

Not wanting him to follow me I linked the house to the sun blocking him in the house till the sun goes down.

I kept walking not turning as he plead with me to listen.

Him slamming into the barrier filled the air but I just walked away knowing what I should do now.

I'm still incharge of the health of this pack so I walked to the center of the pack.

Infront of me stood a tall stump. Hollowed out by the years.

The exact place where Lucas first told me he loved me... And I him. Taking off my necklace I places it on my hand as I cast a spell on it.

Tears falling down my face as I finished.
The barrier is up. Meaning the pack will stay save from all that wants to harm it.

Whipped the tears away I stood up and closed my book and walked out the packs newly put up border.

The necklace has enough power to protect this pack for lifetimes.

I stopped and turned around as I looked at the pack I'm leaving behind. I placed a cold face up and looked at the now setting sun.

He will be able to get out of that house in a little bit.

I spat in the direction of the pack and walked away. Leaving behind all the memories, love and friends I had.

My only mate cast me aside for another while I was in a coma.

Taking a deep breath I began in search for a new beginning.

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