Herta - Innocently Annoying

169 9 16

Request - technically half a request from @tabi_nabi and half my idea we mushed into one

(Y/N) - Randomly created for the story.

 2569 words



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A planet.

Planet of green and abundance.

Planet of excess and love.

A planet that would soon meet with a grim fate at the hand of curiosity.





Member #83 of the genius society.

Master of the eponymous Herta space station.

Owner of the biggest collection of curios on this side of the galaxy.


At quite a loss.

It was not usual for her, or any genius really, to be at this much of a loss... And yet she was.

She thought her mind and the combined knowledge of other geniuses she contacted for this purpose would get her answers but even the two that answered: Screwllum and Ruan Mei, there was no answer that came from them putting their minds together on this subject.

It just made no sense.

It was--crunch.

Her line of thought was broken in two by the loud sound that came from over her shoulder.

"Do you mind?" She asked.

"Oh I don't, keep doing what you are doing brain girl." Herta's eyebrow ticked... She uses her puppets and stayed out of things usually... But she is about to march her real body down there just to be tall enough to smack the other woman in the face... She freaking deserved.

This woman that called herself (Y/N) was the bane of Herta's existence ever since the doomsday beast attacked the space station with the anti matter legion... Why? Simple... 

This lady is a lord ravager.

Tho--crunch--Herta did wish she'd just go and kill them off instead of being the annoying nuisance she was.

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