Letter 8

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The first day I saw u at school i felt something, I can't explain what exactly it was but it was something I've never felt before. It was the first time I saw u but it felt so comforting. That day itself, ur smile won my heart. It used and still makes me blush. Not like I've never seen good-looking men before but in my eyes I've never seen somebody as handsome as you. It's not even about the beauty standards. Nobody is you. It's just not explainable.

Slowly slowly u became the reason for me to be regular at school. I honestly thought it was nothing, just a little crush and it'll fade away in sometime but it didn't. It was much much MUCH more than a simple crush. I used to take little glances of you whenever possible. Hear your voice and find any excuse to go to the office. I still remembered one day, I went to ask u something related to fees, it was just an excuse ofc. I started talking to you and got lost in you. Idk what was it, i kinda stopped speaking, got nervous and all. I honestly thought these were typical filmy stuff and all, i never believed it. But after meeting you, after going through these I do believe it now. All this while I thought of it as a little crush, but it all changed when u left the school. When you left na, it was like my world clashed. I felt like i had lost the most integral part of myself. That's when I knew it was more than a crush. I used to cry and cry. I used to see your Instagram. I still remember how I used to wait just for u to post one picture so I could get another glimpse of u. I used to hear the video of school when u had voiceover to hear your voice and cry. For the first time I had fallen in love. My heart wanted u and nothing else.

I've never experienced love before but i knew this is it.

You are the one!

Then I took the decision, i texted you. From a little fake I'd. I was scared to death but I knew it was now or never. I just had to do it or I'd never see you again so I took the risk and did it.

After that when I got you na , I was on cloud nine. I was the happiest person on earth. I got the man of my dreams. My hero. Every second spent with you is deeply engraved in my heart. Some things can never be erased uk Johnny and for me that is you! All the memories we made are always there in my heart.

Those smiles, laugh, hugs, kisses and love is all within me.

I was new to the relationship stuff. I didn't know how it was done. I started growing really overprotective and over possessive. I just messed up. I didn't understand, i really didn't. For that mistake I lost the most important person in my life. The reason of my very existence cuz uk if I wouldn't find you back then, there's a big question mark if I'd be breathing today. U saved me. U picked me up when I was on my lowest. How can I let you go say? Idk whether ul give me a last chance or not, if you do I'd be thankful and i promise il Never let you down again. Il do my very best and give u all kinds of happiness i can. That's my word. And if you don't, il pray for you from far away, always love you and keep u the closest to my heart. I promise you . I will never love anybody how I loved you. Never! Thank you for everything love. I will always and forever remain your boo, only your boo. My little BabyBoy. Thank you for everything. I will never let you go from my heart❤❤❤

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