Author's note

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Hey!! Welcome!

Firstly, I'd like to apologize if my english isn't correct, it isn't my native language (I'm french). Feel free to correct me in the comments ! 

Now that I've said that, I can talk about this text. This is the first one I wrote in english, for an english lesson at school. I managed to get the best mark, please congratulate me XD. I really like it, so I decided to publish it on Wattpad, in english AND in french. 

It's a "coming of age" short story, it follows the evolution of the main character as he becomes an adult. There is always a "turning point" changing his life, enabling him to grow. 

My characters, Charles Lavinia and Lewis Wheeler, are a lot inspired by Charles Leclerc and Lewis Hamilton. Both are Formula 1 drivers (once a fangirl, always a fangirl hehe). In fact, Lewis Wheeler is particularly inspired by Lewis Hamilton since they have more or less the same life path. F1 fans shouldn't be too disorientated ;) (of course I mentioned the Monaco Grand Prix, don't worry)

I'm open to any advice so if you see any inconsistencies, don't hesitate to let me know ;) (Plus, I love to discuss in the comments)

The french traduction is already complete on my profile, I'm currently writing its next part (hopefully I will publish it as well)

There are 3 chapters, I think I'll release one per day, starting today ^-^

I'm really excited to show one of my writings to english readers, I hope you'll enjoy it 🤞

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