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Some people are just better off doing other things.

"Are you sure you want to continue playing volleyball with us?"

Some people are more luckier than others.

"Wow good job ????! You can become captain if you keep this up!"

Some people stop trying.

'What's the point of practicing if all of my efforts with go in vain!'

Some people keep trying.

'Keep practicing ????, you are not going to get any better if you just sit around!'

M/n was one of the unluckier ones, in his first year of junior high he spent all of his days being a professional bench warmer and was known for being the worst on the team. Everyday when he sat on the bench, he wondered if he would get to go to nationals or get into a powerhouse high school and everyday his dreams get crushed with a simple

"You are never going to go professional, you are only going to be a professional bench warmer."

He then spent the next three years of junior high being a bench warmer and not getting invited to practice matches his team would have, I know you are wondering what junior high he went to, he went to the one and only Kitagawa Daiichi a volleyball powerhouse school, yes the same school Kageyama Tobio and Oikawa Tooru went to.

M/n was always pushed aside and he was know by the other schools as 'Bench Warmer' or 'WeakLink' or 'The Shadow', he wasn't named 'The Shadow' because of how good he was, he was named that because they didn't know much about him and did see him much.

He then went off to high school with a few goals in mind, such as 'Stop playing volleyball', 'focus on your studies' and 'don't interact with people'

Will he keep to his goals?

Well, we will find out pretty soon.

Hello everyone! Welcome to my new book! Since you have probably read the description I won't repeat it, thanks for reading this chapter, I would like to apologise for 1. Making this short, (I didn't know what to put) and 2. For not updating my books but you have read the reason why in the description.

Again thanks for reading and see you later!

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