Chapter 13

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"Well, the young woman won't leave until she's reunited with her boyfriend. Then she will leave," the spade explained.

"Fetch me Mad March," The queen demanded.

"You killed him," the spade pointed out.

"Fetch me Dr. Hamilton," The queen said.

Shortly afterwards, Dr. Hamilton walked in. "You summoned me, your highness?"

"I need you to revive Mad March. I have business for him to take care of. Do all that you can to successfully bring him back to life," The queen said.

"But his head was lost," Dr. Hamilton said.

"Then find him a replacement and bring him back to life," The queen demanded, causing Dr. Hamilton to rush out.

Winston winced hoping to put his wife in a better mood. "Mary, dear I have been thinking about the fate of Wonderland, when we are too old to run it. And Jack is to take the throne in our place. But he needs a queen by his side. I have the perfect woman lined up for him to marry and make his queen.

"That can wait. We are about to be reunited with our lost daughter. I want to focus on catching up with her when we meet her. Oh, we have so much to share with her. I can already feel her loving hug as I hold her in my arms. I won't ever let her leave my sight again," the queen said as Jack walked in. "Jack, my dear boy. Tell me that you managed to find Rowena March Hare and get a good look at her."

"I must say she does resemble some of the family with her features, but I only got a quick glimpse and I feared that my eyes were playing tricks on me. Don't worry mother. Soo you will be able to lay your eyes on her for yourself," Jack said.

Hatter led Alice to the flamingos and noticed that one of them was missing. "Great. She's already got a head start to the woods."

"How are we gonna get to the woods to catch up with Rowena," Alice asked.

"We fly there on the flamingo, and hope that little March Hare hasn't gotten too far ahead of us," Hatter explained.

"There is no way in hell I am getting on that thing. I'm terrified of heights," Alice said before someone shot at her.

"It's either you get on or you get caught by security," Hatter said while getting on the flamingo. Alice ran over climbing on the back holding on tight as Hatter and Alice took off with the queen's men following behind them shooting at them.

One of the guards shot at the engine causing Hatter and Alice to crash-land into the forest, where a certain female assassin lies in wait.

Hatter and Alice both got up dusting themselves off, getting ready to make a run for it, as the guards landed surrounding them.

Before Hatter had a chance to run, a knife flew at him pinning him to a tree, before a figure came out of hiding taking care of the guards, cutting them, stabbing them, slitting their throats. Alice was about to fight the figure, when the figure spoke up, stopping her.

"I wouldn't do that. Not unless you want to get on my bad side," the figure said pulling her hood off to reveal Rowena.

"Rowena, you saved us," Alice said.

"I knew you and the blockhead would lead those guys to me. I'm surprised the queen hasn't sent my brother out yet," Rowena said.

"The queen cut his head off killing him," Hatter said.

"He knew it was going to happen," Rowena said before walking over to Hatter, pulling the knife out of his jacket. Hatter looked Rowena in the eye as she did so. "Next time you want my attention, don't knock me out. Approach me. Take a risk and see if it's worth it."

"Right, I'll keep that in mind for next time," Hatter said.

"If there is a next time," Rowena said.

"You don't believe that there will be another opportunity for me to do the right thing," Hatter asked.

"What I mean by that is, we have to worry about my brother being brought back and sent out to retrieve our friend and I; and bring us back to the queen. Heck, he might even bring you to the queen as well if he feels that you are a threat to her in any way shape or form. If that happens, then you will be brought back and face the punishment that she chooses for you," Rowena explained. "We might as well get a move on. We don't want to make it easy for my brother to capture us. Let's go." Rowena began walking with Hatter and Alice following behind her.

"Rowena, I hope you don't take what I'm about to ask you the wrong way, but why didn't you say anything about being from this place? Why did you trick my mother and I into believing that you moved from a different state," Alice asked slightly hurt, causing Rowena to roll her eyes, which Alice couldn't see.

"Would you have believed me, if I told you that I came from Wonderland, or would you have assumed that I was a mad woman, talking nonsense? Would you have believed me," Rowena asked.

Alice thought about what Rowena had asked her, before she spoke up. "Now that you say it, I probably wouldn't have believed you. You're right, I would have thought that you were off your rocker. I most likely wouldn't have spoken to you and would have gone out o my way to avoid talking to you."

"Now you understand why I have to keep my home a secret. I can't go running around talking about Wonderland," Rowena said. "We should keep moving."

"Wait! I'm not going anywhere until we save my boyfriend Jack," Alice said, causing Hatter and Rowena to stop walking.

"If you don't keep moving, then we won't get a damn chance to find your boyfriend, Jack. Though let me ask you this, has your boyfriend Jack been completely honest with you," Rowena asked.

"Of course Jack has been honest with me. What does he have to hide," Alice asked.

"How about the fact that he too is also from Wonderland. Did you ever stop to think to ask your darling boyfriend, where he is from," Rowena asked.

"I honestly didn't think to ask Jack where he's from. I thought that with good time that he would come out and say where he's from. What does that have to do with the fact that you lied to me about where you're from anyway? What does Jack have to do with you being from this place, that marks people who aren't from this world," Alice asked.

"Oh this has a lot to do with where I come from. Because your darling boyfriend is also from Wonderland. But you didn't think to ask him about that, because you were too wrapped up in everything else that he was telling you. Your boyfriend has you wrapped around every word that he says. I bet that Jack could go and tell you a bunch of lies, and you wouldn't even know. But you don't care as long as you get your boyfriend back and go back to your perfect world of lies. But I won't waste my breath talking to you about this. Because I know that you won't waste time talking about this with me anymore. Especially since you're so damn hell bent on finding your 'perfect' boyfriend," Rowena snapped on Alice before walking away.

"Way to piss her off. She's probably the only one who can equally match her older brother if we have a run in with him," Hatter said before chasing after Rowena to make an attempt to calm her down.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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