Chapter 11

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Jack chased Rowena, losing her as she rounded the corner. When Jack rounded the corner, he spotted the queens men standing there while holding Rowena in place.

"What are you doing here? I had everything under control," Jack said.

"Your mother was growing impatient waiting for you. She feared that you were liking the world of the oysters, better than your own world. She doesn't want that happening, because you are our future king. Our fate rests on you," the spade said before pulling him away from Rowena.

"What are you going to do with the young woman," Jack asked as he was being led away.

"We're going to secure her, to make sure she doesn't pull any funny business," the spade explained.

The spades pulled Rowena to a van, where they could sedate her and bring her back to Wonderland. But before the Spades could get the door open, Rowena slammed their heads into the side, causing them to lose their grip on her, allowing her the chance to break free of their grip.

Rowena took the opportunity to run away, aware that she was being followed by the last person she wanted to follow her. Why can't she take the hint not to follow me? Seriously, she will only draw attention to herself which is something that is not wanted or needed right now, Rowena thought to herself as she continued to run.

Rowena turned the corner with Alice following her through the looking glass, making their way back to Wonderland. Alice stopped to take in her surroundings around her. Alice was quickly brought out of her thoughts by someone grabbing her, pulling her away from the entrance of the looking glass.

Alice was about to fight the person off but stopped when she saw Rowena standing there. "Rowena, I'm so glad to see you. Where are we? Where is Jack? I awe these people grab both you and Jack."

"You are a damn fool for following us here. This is no place for an oyster to be," Rowena snapped at Alice.

"I am not a shellfish, thank you. I'm only here to get Jack back and make my way back home," Alice said before being marked by a beam of light coming from a flying giant beetle. Alice looked down horrified at the mark that was left on her arm. "Please tell me that washes off. My mom will freak out if I go home with a permanent tattoo on my arm. And she sure as hell won't believe me when I tell her that a giant flying beetle used a laser to give me this tattoo."

Rowena rolled her eyes at Alice's rambling. "Your mother freaking out over that mark is the least of your worries. "You have been branded, which means the queen's spades know that you are an oyster."

"I already told you that I'm not a shellfish. I would greatly appreciate it if you stopped calling me one," Alice said.

"We're not in your world anymore. In my world your kind is called Oysters. You don't want to know what they do to you," Rowena said before Alice caught a glimpse of jack being carried through a door.

"Jack," Alice screamed running for the door with Rowen following behind her. Both Alice and Rowena walked into the building, noticing the hall was lined with many doors. "Where do we search first? There are too many doors to pick from."

"How about we don't pick any door and get the hell out of here, before you go and do something stupid and get us both caught," Rowena said.

"No. I have to find Jack and save him before we make our way back home," Alice said before walking into a random room.

"Alice get out of there," Rowena said before Alice pulled Rowena into the room. Alice looked around the room, looking for any clue as to where those men took her boyfriend Jack. Alice wasn't paying attention to what was going on behind her. Suddenly the door behind Alice and Rowena closed causing both women to jump and make their way to the door, to attempt to open it, only to find that the door was locked.

Rowena turned to Alice, giving her an I told you so look. "I told you not to pick any damn door. Now we're stuck in this damn room."

"I'm sorry. I'm worried about my boyfriend, and I want to save him from these people," Alice said before the room started to shake. "What the hell is going on?"

"We're being transported to the casino," Rowena said.

"What? I don't want to go to the casino. I don't have time to go and gamble. I have to find Jack. He's in danger," Alice said.

"Well, if you had listened to me, we wouldn't be making our way to the casino right now. They're going to bring me to speak to the queen and force you to play casino games all while forgetting about your boyfriend as they drain you of the one treasure that all of you oysters have," Rowena explained.

"What's that," Alice asked.

"Your emotions. People here pay good money for that. It's what helps keep that damn casino up and going," Rowena said while sitting down feeling a breeze.

Alice kneeled down, feeling the air blowing under the door. "We can get out of here. Do you have anything that we can use to open the latch?"

"Are you insane? What if we are over solid ground, and you open that damn latch? We're both dead," Rowena said.

"Do you trust me," Alice asked.

"That's a bit questionable. Look where trusting you got me," Rowena said while glaring at Alice.

Alice shook her head while reaching up in her hair, pulling a bobby pin out of her hair. "Never mind. I found something to help pick the lock on this thing." Alice began picking the lock.

Once Alice successfully picked the lock, which caused the floor underneath both women, causing the both of them to plummet down toward the body of water.

Alice was the first one to come up out of the water, gasping for air. Shortly after Rowena came up from under the body of water, glaring at Alice, who looked at her sheepishly.

"You are lucky that we landed in a body of water. Next time you have a bright idea, and get the urge to go through with it, don't do it. Also, listen to me when I tell you not to do something," Rowena said before swimming to a ladder with Alice following behind her.

Both Alice and Rowena climbed up walking a bit away from the ladder until they were stopped by a homeless looking man.

"I can take you to get dry clothes," the man said.

"Piss off," Rowena snapped at the homeless looking man.

Alice glared at Rowena before turning back to the man. "Have you seen my boyfriend, Jack?"

"I can't help you. But I know someone who can. Come along with me and I will bring you to him," the man said.

"Alice, be careful," Rowena said.

"We can trust him. He's willing to help us," Alice said.

"Or he could be leading us to a trap that is waiting for us. Maybe he is going to hand us over to the queen of hearts that way she can cut our heads off," Rowena said.

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