19 - Blake ⚠️

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⚠️ - Mentions of abuse
(George's pov)

Holy shit, I'm basically dating Dream now.

Although it's not actual dating, it's still a form of it. Therefore, I am basically dating Dream.

I'm continuing to eye the smp with Dream by my side. It has been like this for about 5 minutes now. Pure silence. Comfortable silence, of course.

I don't know what it is with sitting beside your best friend in Minecraft and looking at millions and millions of pixels bunched up together that makes up a decent sight, but it feels good, it feels calming. Dream makes me feel calm.

When I'm with Dream, it feels like all my worries just disappeared. I don't know how this happens; I don't know the science behind it. Perhaps it's magic, or maybe it's just the sense of comfort I get from Dream. But I don't care about the reasoning behind this, just as long as I'm happy.

Nothing can ruin this moment...

"We should keep on working on the community house." Dream said out of nowhere, rudely interrupting my thoughts.

Ugh, there it is

"I guess." I say, sounding slightly annoyed with the choice in tone behind my words.

"We don't have to if you don't want to." Dream said, which I'm guessing he found the meaning behind my words.

"No, no, it's fine. There's not really anything else to do." I lie, only slightly. If there was anything else to do, I would just go run some errands.

"Okay.." Dream said quietly as we walked to the community house.

This time, we actually worked on it. No talking, no goofing around. Just working.

This time around, more people joined the server. Ten people to be exact.

Skeppy, Sapnap, Techno, Bad, Tubbo, Quackity, Philza, and Karl have joined us on VC and at the community house. Nobody was really helping building, only talking.

Dream got caught in a conversation with Sapnap and Karl, so I just decided to leave. I left the VC and server.

I get out of my chair and slowly put my shoes on. I was planning on running some errands today.

I get out of my gaming chair and put on my shoes. I grab my wallet and keys before heading out the door.

I go in my car and put my car key in the little keyhole and twist it all the way, turning the car on.

I shut my car door a little too harshly, making a loud slam. I flinch at the loud noise before putting my seatbelt on and putting my car into drive.

I drive to the grocery store, almost hitting a few people that were stupidly walking in the road. I was driving by a pub after all.

When I arrived to the grocery store, I went to get in the closest parking space to the entrance, but some asshole pulled into the space before I could.

I groan loudly out of annoyance before pulling into the second closest parking spot.

I put the car on park and took the car key out of the keyhole. I open the car door and get out, grabbing my wallet and putting it in my back pocket.

I close my car door and walk into the shop. I'm mainly looking for more food for my diet and more hoodies.

I grabbed a shopping basket and made my way to the vegetable isle and grab broccoli and salad. After getting those, I go grab some eggs and yogurt.

Before I made my way to the checkout, I heard a voice say my name.


An annoying voice for sure...

I turn around to face the person that said my name. I was met with a guy with olive coloured skin with brown eyes and a dark green T-shirt with some jeans. He had black short hair, like an undercut hairstyle. He had some freckles on his face with that smirk that brings back bad memories.

That is my ex. My toxic and abusive ex.

"What do you want, Blake?" I ask with an annoyed tone of voice, trying to make it clear I don't want him around me.

"What? Can I not say hi to an old friend?" His gaze drops down to the bracelet I'm wearing, then scowls. "I see you're still making those shitty bracelets for your lovers. What's their name?" He asked.

"Why would I tell you their name? You have no business in my love life, especially when you made me believe love didn't exist." I say as I start making my way to the checkout once again.

"Don't leave me again, George. Left me once, now twice. You are so rude. Don't you want to catch up with me?" Blake asked, trying to make me feel bad, clearly.

I ignore him. I am sick tired of all his bullshit. He is the full on reason why I'm afraid to get back into dating. He hurt me, hurt me in ways that have scarred me for life. Emotionally, and physically.

I make it to the checkout. I pour all of my items out onto the checkout counter and wait for the cashier to scan and put them in the plastic bags so I can get out as fast as I can.

Blake grabbed my arm. "George! I am talking to you. You're supposed to respo-" I cut him off. "BLAKE! I AM SO FUCKING SICK OF YOU! LEAVE ME ALONE BEFORE I CALL THE FUCKING POLICE!" I scream, making everyone look our way.

Blake scowled at me as I got his grip off of me. He rolled his eyes and scoffed before returning to shopping.

I turned back towards the cashier. The cashier didn't even looked fazed. They probably have seen this happen multiple times to people.

The total of my items were $77.60. I got my wallet out of my pocket and paid by card. I put my wallet back in my back pocket and grabbed the plastic bags my items were in. I carried them out to my car and put them in the trunk.

I go in my car, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. I open my eyes again and put my car key in the keyhole, turning it all the way to the right before putting my car in drive and start driving.

I drive back to my house, lazily putting my groceries up where they're supposed to go. I check the time. It seems like it took an hour to do all of that.

I run to my bed and flop on it as I drift back off to sleep, even though it's still early. I'm tired, and I want to sleep.

I'm tired...


1115 Words

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