Ulster woman (Ryan Baird) pt1

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Context~ Y/n has been a fan of Ulster Rugby for years but what happens when she catches someone's eye on the Leinster team.

"What do you predict the scores will be?" My best friend Eloise asks me, disturbing my daze out of the car window. "Hmmm, I'm not sure I hope Ulster win, obviously. Although I have a feeling it will be 23-19 to Leinster." I reply. "I hope you're wrong but you never are when it comes to predicting end results." She sighs.

~Time skip~

Eloise and I had arrived at Kingspan Stadium and we are currently in the queue to get a pint of beer each, and slowly make our way to the family terrace, although we have to stand we get a cracking view of the pitch.

As the players are warming up, I notice I keep making eye contact with a certain Leinster player, Ryan Baird. I notice how he is much taller and more muscular in person, he just simply smiled at me and continued stretching. The butterflies in my stomach are going mad.

I notice that he goes over to James Lowe, weird he says something to him and James looks at me, I just brush it off guessing that it was a coincidence that he looked at me.

After awhile I hear a whistle and somehow it's already kick off, the first half is brutal, although it was mega when James Lowe scored two tries within the first five minutes of the match. "This is amazing!" Eloise shouts down my ear, "I know!!"

~Ryan PoV~
Today we play Ulster in Kingspan, I really don't want to play, normally I'd love to play rugby but I can't be arsed with the 3 hour drive to play then drive back. I know I have to and it's good for me so I willingly drive to Leinster training grounds so I can get on the bus.

~Time skip~

I'm currently stretching on the pitch, it's normal to see women and even some men stare at me while I'm doing lunges and squats but as I glance into the crowd I notice a very beautiful girl, her and her friend are in Ulster jerseys so I'm guessing they are both praying for mine and my team's downfall.

I can't seem to take my eyes off her and seemingly she can't takes hers off me, but it's probably just a coincidence considering I'm standing next to The James Lowe. "What are you staring at?" I heard the brunette ask from beside me. If it was anyone else I would've lied, "You see that girl in the Ulster Jersey, yeah the one next to the ginger, front row."

"Blimey, i can't believe it Ryan Baird is actually talking about a woman." He sarcastically laughed,  in the past I've had a few relationships and none have worked out so I stopped trying. "I'll make you a deal, if I manage to score two tries, in a row, in the first half you have to go and talk to her."
"You know what fine!" I sigh walking away.

Oh. My. God. He only went a did it he scored two tries within the first five minutes, I was ecstatic until I remembered the deal, after the second try he just walked over to me and said good luck.

The rest of the game was pretty much a blur and but we did pretty well! The score is 23-19 to us, although it was only a friendly we are still happy we won.

"When are you doing it?" I hear from beside me I turn to see James standing beside me, "Do I have to do it?" I ask, almost begging. "Yes, a deal is a deal." He replies while shrugging his shoulders. "Fine!" I sigh as I walk towards the stands.

Y/n pov

As per usual, I was correct with my match prediction. "I just don't understand how you know what the score is going to be every time." Eloise groans from beside me which I return a laugh, that's when I notice the tall ginger man walking towards the stands, I know he isn't coming for me but butterflies fly rapidly in my stomach.


It took me so long to write this cause I didn't know what to write (totally didn't base this on the fact I'm going to the ulster v Leinster match) and I couldn't think of an ending so I'm making a two parter so I can think on what to writeeeee
No proofread

Have a good day or night 💕💞💕💞💕

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