Smart with math, stupid with love. (Tengolf)

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TenGolf request! To clarify, armless people have prosthetics.

(Skip to 1:22 of the song for best experience.)

This request is from my dearest friend, @Season3ofii

Golf Ball's P.O.V.

'Hi. I'm Golf Ball, & I have a hugeeee crush on my best friend. His name is Tennis Ball...' I wrote in the bottom right corner of a notebook. 'He's like someone from TV, He's like that guy who gives out roses to those women... The bachelor, I think?... & He's a foot away from me, with swoopy hair, & shiny eyes that I could swim in...' Soon I stopped writing, because I realized that I subconsciously wrote down the lyrics to my favorite song... "He is live & in the room!" I started singing out loud, down in my laboratory. There's a 99.2% chance no one would hear me, & I do have a little secret...

I can sing.

I used to do it professionally when I was younger, & I was a broadway singer at one point in time... I just left my talent in the closet & continued a career in math. I think nobody knows... "And... I'm... Stupid with love..." I got up from the chair I was sitting in, "I wanna get it. I wanna get it... but, how?" I kept singing, "Smart with math, but stupid with love..." I was now doing small twirls around the room, completely forgetting about all the work I was doing. That could wait. I picked up my phone & played the karaoke to the song, still singing, "I wanna get it. I didn't get it, 'till now." I prepared myself for the dialogue part, "2 over 0 is undefined. 'Jinx.' Ha!" I did it perfectly.

"I'm astounded & nonplussed, I am filled with calculust, does this guy work out? He must, all sweaty at the gym~" I just swooned over the thought of Tennis Ball at the gym, "Could his image be more hot? Let me just enjoy that thought. Life was rough, but now it's not! 'Cause now there's him~!" The high note is coming, the acoustics in this lab are great, what more could I need? I got on a random table, & continued,

"It's all so sim~ple~ Stupid with love~" My voice was echoing through the walls of the lab beautifully, "But I can get it, watch this girl self-educate~ I learned math, so I can learn love~" I did a small twirl again, "You wanna bet it? That I can get it? Just wait! Just wait~ Just wait~!" I did a small curtsy with my lab coat instead of a dress as the song finished. Then I heard slow clapping... What? I looked up.

It was literally everyone in TPOT... even One was standing by the elevator. They were all just clapping & staring at me in awe & amazement. "When did you...?" I said jumping off of the table. "The door was unlocked..." Two smiled.

~About an hour later~

I'm redoing old calculus equations while slightly singing songs from musicals. I heard the elevator ding & the doorbell ring. I walked over to the doorbell, & clicked a button. "Hi," I said. "Yo," a voice I recognised as Tennis Ball. He must have those Power sheets I asked for! "Come In~!" I sung. He entered through the elevator door. "Okay, One gave me some info on their Oneirokinesis, So this could help us with other theories about Oneiropaths." Tennis Ball said. "'Kay, thanks!" I said. Tennis Ball placed the papers on my desk, I stopped him as he was about to leave. "Oh, you can stay. I like your presence." I said, trying to sound formal. He slightly whispered, "Okay..." & sat next to me.

"Thanks... for everything. By the way. I never think I tell you that enough." I said to him. "Just doing what a good friend would do!" He smiled that beautiful smile of his I loved so much. "No, I'm serious. I never tell you how grateful I am to have you as my friend." I said, while holding his hands. "Thanks, GB. I really means the world to me." We both looked at each other.

Then we both blurted it out:

"I love you."


✦┈⋆┈⋆┈ ⋞ 〈 Words: 668 〉 ⋟ ┈⋆┈⋆┈✦

A/N on April 23, 2024:


To everyone else who requested:

I'm working on it, I SWEAR.

All of these side notes aside, I'll see you guys again. But until then:

Kys :) (Keep yourselves safe~!)


Sincerely, Miss you dearly,


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