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"Ugh, I want this thing out of me!" Uma cried in frustration. "You've been in there for, like, a whole year!"

"Uma, you realise what we could do to start labour, right?" Harry suggested, mischief in his eyes.

"Fine, but if this doesn't work, I'm ordering Tiana out of everything spicy she has," the sea witch agreed.

After trying and failing at kickstarting Uma's labour, the two walked to Tiana's Palace, hoping that the walk would entice their son to make his entrance. Arriving at the restaurant, with no signs of labour coming on, they entered and Uma ordered a smorgasbord of spicy foods. Much to her dismay, all that gave her was heartburn. After taking an antacid, she hopped onto her birthing ball and rocked back and forth for about an hour. Eventually, she laid down in bed and just cried. She had done almost 41 weeks of this and she just wanted it to be over with.

"Maybe we should get you a membrane sweep," Harry offered, massaging her back exactly where he knew she was having discomfort. "They might even offer us an induction."

"Hmpf," was all her heard from her before he heard her light snoring.

He tucked her in and tended to his chores while she slept. As he went to climb into bed with her, he noticed there was a wet spot underneath her. He felt her forehead first, which felt normal, so he felt her pants, which were wet. He stripped the blankets off and realised her waters had broken. He gently shook her awake to tell her the good news. Still sleepy, when she realised she was wet, she started crying again, feeling embarrassed. Once he got her cleaned up and was beginning to hear her contractions, he ushered her to the car to take them to the hospital. It was the middle of the night at this point, so he didn't bother messaging anyone, besides Ben, who he made agree to not telling anyone until they got home with the baby. Uma thanked her lucky stars when she was admitted that she was already at 7 centimetres, so it shouldn't have been too long before she could start pushing. Half an hour later, she was feeling an unusual pressure underneath the epidural, and she called for a nurse, who promptly called for the doctor.

"Alright, Uma!" she exclaimed happily. "You'll be glad to know you can start pushing your boy out now!"

Fifteen minutes of pushing later, Uma and Harry heard Hunter's cries fill the room. More tears from Uma proceeded, along with her thoughts that this had to have been the most she'd cried in a 24 hour span in her entire life. Uma got some rest, Harry looking after Hunter while she got a few hours of rest. They swapped places the next morning, while Uma and Hunter got poked and prodded to make sure they were well enough to be discharged. It was midday by the time they were discharged, so Harry sent a message to Ben, informing him of their return.


When they returned home, they went into the dining hall, carrying their baby in his car seat. Everyone dropped their eating utensils almost simultaneously, excitedly crowding around the new parents and cooing at the newest arrival. Eventually, everyone had had a hold, and, much to Mal's dismay, her parents entered the hall. They immediately turned back around to leave, but Uma and Harry asked for them to stay. Mal stormed out, Ben following closely behind. Uma grinned at Maleficent, taking note of her glow.

"I haven't seen you enough recently to take much notice," she said to the older couple, "but I suppose congratulations are in order."

"First Harriet, and now you," Hades laughed. "I guess the pregnancy glow is too hard to hide from new moms. Thank you, Uma."

Now everyone was crowding around the former Villains, excitedly congratulating them when Mal came back in with Ben. "What's this?" she chuckled nervously, making her way through the crowd to her parents. Then it hit her like a ton of bricks. She saw the glow in her mother's skin and the slight curve of her belly. "You're pregnant again, Mom?" she asked, tears brimming in her eyes. "And when exactly were you two going to tell me?"

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