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"We should probably start looking at baby shower gifts for the girls," Jane suggested to Carlos as they exited their second ultrasound. "They have their joint shower in two weeks and I've been so preoccupied with our baby that I haven't had time to even think about it."

"We should be focused on our baby," Carlos pointed out. "It's great that they're heading into their third trimesters, but we've been so busy planning for our baby that we haven't even told them yet. Why haven't we told them yet, exactly?"

She sighed. "I don't know," she admitted. "I guess I've spent so long being the 'responsible' one of the group, I'm just scared that they'll judge me, Jane, daughter of Fairy Godmother, for getting pregnant, too."

"Jane," he smiled, stopping their walk. "It doesn't matter what role you've played in the group. They'll probably be just as happy as they have been with each other. I'm sure they'll welcome another playmate for their babies. I love you, and I love our baby already. I'm positive that everything will be okay."

"Okay," she smiled gratefully. "Can we wait until we know the gender to tell everyone? I'm sure I can find some outfits to hide a potential bump until then."

"If that's how you want to announce it, then that's how we'll do it," he grinned, pulling her close and kissing her gently.

"Can we still get the girls their baby shower presents?" she asked cheekily.

Carlos rolled his eyes playfully and agreed. Jane decided she could stand to make something for each baby since her morning sickness was insistent on keeping her home lately, so she opted to purchase some dotted mink fabrics in each baby's colour and some gorgeous patterned fabric in corresponding colours. She decided she was going to make blankets for every baby, and she had plenty of time to make seven of them considering she had the next two weeks off of school. Mal and Ben would be getting a blanket with purple dragons on it and a purple dotted mink on the back, and Evie and Doug would be getting one blanket with red hearts and a red backing, and one with music notes and a deep blue backing. Audrey and Chad would be getting one with a tourney pattern and a light blue backing, and Uma and Harry were getting a blanket with skull and crossbones, with a grey backing. Harriet and Gil's blanket would be the same as Uma and Harry's, but with a red backing and finally, Lonnie and Jay's would be the same as Audrey and Chad's, but with a yellow backing.

While picking out the fabrics, Jane wondered whether she and Carlos would have a girl or a boy. Not that she minded at all, so long as they were healthy, but the colour and name picked would correspond to either her or Carlos's colours and name, and she wondered if they'd have a J Jr or a C Jr. She made a mental note to talk with Carlos later about baby names.


"Jane is never home from school," Mal frowned at Ben. "Something has to be up."

"She's sick," Ben told her frankly, trying to stifle a laugh. "That's what's up. Why are you making such a big deal about it?"

"I'm not!" she exclaimed, immediately regretting the words coming out of her mouth, knowing it was a lie. "Okay, maybe I am, but it's just so unlike her. She never gets sick."

"Maybe all those illness-free years are catching up with her," he suggested. "Then after this, she'll go back to being a superhuman who never gets sick again."

"She couldn't be pregnant, could she?" she asked suddenly. "I mean, a couple of the other girls suggested it, but—no. No way. She's way too responsible. I mean, not that we're irresponsible, but Jane strikes as someone who would at least take the proper precautions."

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