➤ chapter 31 : deserted

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"HOW COULD YOU let them take appa?" aang yells, turning to toph

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"HOW COULD YOU let them take appa?" aang yells, turning to toph. "why didn't you stop them?"

"i couldn't! the library was sinking, you guys were still inside and-" toph replies.

"you could've come to get us! i could've saved him!" aang explains.

"i can hardly feel any vibrations out here. the sandbenders snuck up on me and there wasn't time for-"

"you just didn't care! you never liked appa. you wanted him gone."

"aang!" miizumi exclaims, lightly shoving aang away from toph.

"aang, stop it." katara grabs aang's shoulder. "you know toph did all she could. she saved our lives."

"who's gonna save our lives now?" sokka asks as he gazes at the seemingly endless desert. "we'll never make it out of here."

"that's all any of you guys care about, yourselves. you don't care whether appa is okay or not!" aang begins to storm off.

"we're all concerned, but we can't afford to be fighting now." katara says.

"i'm going after appa." aang says before flying off on his glider. katara calls after him but he flies away too fast.

"great. now aang's gone too." miizumi sighs.

"you could've been gone too if you hadn't have escaped when you did, miizumi." katara turns around and looks at her.

"what do you mean?" miizumi replies.

"professor zei clearly didn't want to leave with us, yet you still went after him. you used your firebending and it only provoked wan-chi tong more." the brunette explains.

"so it's basically my fault the spirit got mad?" miizumi scoffs.

"guys, can we not?" sokka groans.

"do we need to put a leash and bell on you?" katara exclaims.

"you and i both know i'm much more useful when i'm bending." miizumi walks past the girl and katara grabs her arm.

"because fire is dangerous when you use it! you hurt people with your fire and you don't even care! and i should've told you this back in the earth city but you dismissed me. now, you're gonna hear it." katara shouts.

"katara, stop!" sokka exclaims.

"no, it's okay. katara just wants me to give our enemies hugs and kisses when we're fighting." miizumi says, snatching her arm away from the girl.

"you are using your abilities to get what you want, which is basically a corrupt form of bending." katara responds. "just like you did when you threatened those boys! you would've killed them if i wasn't there."

"can you both just calm down? this argument is getting nowhere, and this heat isn't making it any worse!" toph groans.

"you do the same thing and you get praise instead!" miizumi says.

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