➤ chapter 21 : kidnapped

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SOKKA PICKS UP the note left on the ground where aang and toph were taken and gives it to katara to read

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SOKKA PICKS UP the note left on the ground where aang and toph were taken and gives it to katara to read.

"if you want to see your daughter again, bring five hundred gold pieces to the arena." katara reads. "it's signed xin fu and the boulder." she says to toph's parents.

"i can't believe it." miizumi says.

"i know, right? i have the boulder's autograph!" sokka exclaims, snatching the paper from the brunette.

"master yu, i need you to help me get my daughter back." toph's father tells master yu.

"we're going with you." katara and miizumi turn around and look at the men.

"poor toph. she must be so scared." toph's mother says on the verge of tears.

"oh, don't worry. she's stronger than she seems." miizumi replies.

"let's go right away." toph's father says to everyone.

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"you think you're so tough?"

"why don't you come up here so i can smack that grin off your face." toph says.

"i'm not smiling." xin fu replies.

"toph!" miizumi calls as her, sokka, katara, master yu and toph's father walk into the arena.

"here's your money. now let them go." sokka drops the bag of coins onto the ground and master yu moves the bag towards xin fu and the boulder.

xin fu checks the money and motions to bring the crate down. it opens and toph falls out, then she runs straight to her father.

"what about aang?" katara asks.

"i think the fire nation will pay a hefty price for the avatar." xin fu says and reveals the wanted poster with aang's face on it. "now get out of my ring."

"i dont care what they're paying, aang's coming with us." miizumi starts to get into her fighting stance but five other earthbending fighters from the previous match enter the ring.

"go. i'll be okay." aang calls.

"no." miizumi says but sokka pulls her away. they follow toph, master yu and her father.

"toph, there's too many of them. we need an earthbender." katara says. "we need you!"

"my daughter is blind. she is blind and tiny and helpless and fragile. she cannot help you." toph's father explains and toph lets go of his hand.

"yes, i can." toph turns to sokka, miizumi and katara and walks towards them. they walk back into the arena and toph pulls up a wall of stone from the ground to prevent the others from leaving.

"tell him go!" toph exclaims. "i beat you all before and i'll do it again."

"the boulder takes issue with that comment." the boulder replies. toph holds out her hands in front of the three and tells them to stop moving as the fighters come closer.

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