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The restaurant's elegant interior shimmered with soft lighting as Seul-hee stepped through the doorway, her heels clacking purposefully on the polished floors. She smoothed her hands over the crisp lines of her blouse and skirt, composing herself. This negotiation would require all her poise and cunning.

A waiter hurried to greet her. "Right this way, Miss Park. Dr. Yi is awaiting you in the private dining room."

With a courteous nod, Seul-hee followed, each measured stride exuding graceful confidence. As the waiter opened the door, she caught sight of Dr. Yi rising from his seat, a polished smile spreading across his features.

"Ah, Miss Park." His resonant voice was warm like aged whiskey as he extended a hand. However, anyone could tell, his smile—smooth and practiced - the very picture of a distinguished medical luminary.

"I must admit, I was expecting Miss Bancroft herself. Is she indisposed?"

Seul-hee accepted the handshake with a gracious nod. "Unfortunately, an urgent matter required Miss Bancroft's attention. She sends her apologies and asked that I meet with you in her stead to discuss the proposed partnership."

Dr. Yi's brow furrowed almost imperceptibly before his genial expression reasserted itself. "Of course, of course. Please, have a seat so we can discuss the details."

As they settled in and began to review the contract, Seul-hee guided the conversation with expert precision. She highlighted the benefits of aligning with Mia's company - the resources, the connections, the potential for groundbreaking research. All the while, she watched Dr. Yi's reactions, gauging his interest and looking for any signs of hesitation.

To his credit, the doctor seemed genuinely intrigued by the proposal. He asked incisive questions and made thoughtful comments, clearly no stranger to complex business dealings. But there was an arrogance in his demeanor, a sense that he believed himself untouchable.

It was this hubris that Seul-hee knew would be his undoing.

As their meals arrived and the discussion continued, Seul-hee deftly steered the conversation towards the contract's finer points.

Buried within the dense legalese were cleverly worded clauses and stipulations - seemingly innocuous at first glance, but with far-reaching implications that could prove devastating if leveraged correctly.

Dr. Yi, for all his brilliance, seemed not to register the subtle trap being laid before him. Perhaps he was too focused on the potential windfall, too assured of his own invulnerability. Or maybe, like so many powerful men before him, he simply couldn't conceive of a woman outwitting him at his own game.

Seul-hee deftly guided the conversation, pointing out Key clauses with a fingertip. "This section here indemnifies our company from any legal repercussions..."

Dr. Yi waved a dismissive hand, reaching for his glass of wine. "Yes, yes, all perfectly standard."

A faint smile played across Seul-hee's lips as their server cleared the empty plates. Reclining slightly, she watched Dr. Yi refill his glass, the deep red liquid sloshing precariously close to the rim.

Whatever the reason, as the lunch drew to a close and the contract lay on the table between them awaiting his signature, Dr. Yi hesitated only briefly before reaching for the fountain pen.

"Shall we proceed then?" She slid the contract closer, the heavy paper skating across the table's smooth surface.

"I must say, Miss Park," he remarked, his tone rich with satisfaction, "this has been a most productive meeting. Your employer drives a hard bargain, but I believe this partnership will prove quite fruitful for us both."

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