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The medications hit Amirah like a tranquilizer dart, her body growing heavy and lethargic as the drugs did their work. She lay listlessly on her side, facing the bare hospital room wall with her back to Yun and the door.

Some time later, the sound of footsteps preceded Dr. Kang's return. "Ms. Amirah?" The doctor's voice was gentle but carried a professional firmness. "I need to go over the next steps."

Amirah didn't react beyond a slow blink of her eyes. In her periphery, she saw Yun shift restlessly in the visitor's chair.

Undeterred, Dr. Kang moved closer to the bed. "The medication we've started you on will help expel the remaining tissue from the... from your uterus." She paused delicately. "However, this process can take over a day, maybe two. So we need to keep you admitted for close monitoring over the next 24 to 48 hours."

A heavy silence followed. Amirah's blank stare remained fixed on the wall, her mind utterly numb in the wake of the doctor's clinical description of her body's cruel betrayal.

Dr. Kang cleared her throat. "Once everything has passed, we'll do another ultrasound to confirm completion. Assuming no further complications, we can make plans for your discharge then."

She waited another beat, seeming to hope for some acknowledgment from her patient. When none came, the doctor sighed softly. "I know this is...devastating, Ms. Amirah. But please, call the nurses if your pain increases or you need anything else, day or night."

Scribbling a note, she lingered momentarily before turning to leave, her footsteps fading away down the corridor outside.

The room lapsed back into stifling quiet, broken only by the occasional harsh beep of medical machinery. Yun fidgeted, mouth working soundlessly for a long moment until she finally muttered, "You need an extra blanket or something? Water?"

Her voice sounded small, swallowed up by the oppressive silence. When Amirah didn't so much as twitch in response, Yun exhaled a frustrated huff and slumped deeper into the hard plastic chair, resigning herself to keeping her own muted vigil over the other woman's profound desolation.

Later that afternoon, Yun returned to Amirah's hospital room, peeling a banana as she ambled inside. She paused, eyeing Amirah's motionless form still facing the wall, and scoffed softly.

"You know, while you're layin' there bein' all comatose and tragic, I'm stuck doing your stupid chores back at the cellblock," Yun groused around a mouthful of banana. She chewed noisily for a moment before continuing.

"Diaz ain't half as bad as you hear, by the way." She waved the banana dismissively. "Just gets real defensive 'cause that bitch has been through some shit, you know?"

Amirah remained unmoving, seemingly oblivious to Yun's rambling monologue. The other woman frowned, scrutinizing her for any sign of awareness. When none was forthcoming, she rolled her eyes.

"You plannin' on bein' this mute and zombified for the rest of your bid?" Yun challenged, arching an eyebrow. "Gotta admit, you got mastered that whole dead-eyed misery shtick down pat, Princess."

A heavy silence echoed in the wake of her words. Amirah didn't so much as twitch a muscle, her breathing slow and measured. Yun stared at the back of her head for a long beat before expelling a noisy exhale through pursed lips.

"Aight, have it your way then," she muttered, shrugging as she polished off the last few bites of banana. "I tried to make convos, but I ain't about to sit here begging a brick wall for witty repartee."

Tossing the peel into the trash, Yun settled back in the chair with a squeak of plastic, cracking open the battered novel she'd brought from the cellblock. She shot one last sidelong glance towards the huddled figure on the bed before shaking her head and disappearing between the pages with a snort of resignation.

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