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"You do seem to have a large cut on your head," Ignis inquired, rubbing his chin gently, "We'll have that treated, too."

"That also explains the ripped dress," Prompto added, glancing at the poorly tattered frock, "It must've been pretty."

Ella looked up and smiled weakly, "It was... A lovely gift it was..."

"And you remember waking up here?" Gladiolus' voice spoke, "Nothing else?"

"That's correct, Mr Gladiolus," Ella nodded gently, "I don't remember anything after that."

"Please, call me Gladio."

"Hmm," Prompto crossed his arms, and worried in thought, "I dunno Iggy, what should we do?"

Ignis remained silent in thought before replying, "For now, we'll have to help Miss Ella heal."

Her eyes widened in surprise. Help? They wanted to help her? But why?

Ella chuckled nervously, pushing a golden lock of hair behind her ear, "Are you sure? I really wouldn't want to upset his majesty anymore..."

A small, inviting smile displayed on Ignis' face, "You haven't nothing to worry about. The Prince has always been grumpy, so you needn't worry."

And then the door swung open abruptly.

"'Mind explaining the meaning of this?" A tall man rushed in, with his arms crossed. He did not seem one bit happy.

"Marshall," Ignis was just about done with everything, "If you could just-"

"Are you trying to ruin his image?" The 'Marshall' didn't shout, but his words were full of power and rage, "Just married and is already mingling with girls?"

"We were only trying to help!" Cried Prompto, fear in his eyes," She just came outta' no where! We have no idea how this happened."

"He's right, y'know," Gladio placed a hand on the Marshall's shoulder, "If we left her like that, do you think he'd look any better?"

The Marshall sighed softly, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Look, just..." He paused for a few moments before gazing at Ella, "Where exactly are you from, Miss?"

Ella blinked a few times in surprise, "O-oh! Well, I'm from London! You see-"

"London?" The Marshall raised an eyebrow, "Where's that?"

"In England, sir," She replied softly although, her words shook with fear, "The United Kingdom."

The Marshall turned back to the three men, understanding the severity of the situation. He sighed softly and took one final look at Ella, "Rest well, Miss...?"

"Ella," She smiled nervously, "Cinderella."

The Marshall cleared his throat, containing his surprise, "Cor, Cor Leonis." He took long strides until he met the door and mumbled quietly to Ignis, "I'll let the King know about this..." He paused for a few moments, glancing at poor Ella, "This is worse than I thought..."

"In the meantime," Ignis replied softly, "What should we do?"

"Keep her from trouble," Cor opened the door in a swift motion, "Make sure she's okay."

Before the Marshall took a step outside of the room, he was stopped by Ignis, "Do you have any idea of what's happened?"

Cor pursed his lip and ran his hand through his short hair, "Honestly, no clue..."


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