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I'm proud to announce the revival of ITBOMM!!! It's now posted under [re: in the back of my mind] for those who are interested in following Athan's story.

I've cross-posted it on Tumblr and AO3. It's just that Wattpad is the last to receive it due to procrastinating on formatting tbh lmao

There will be a lot of differences that happens in order to avoid it from feeling like it's straight from the novel/manhwa. I'll be going more in-depth with Athan and Athy's relationship, as well as slowly introduce other OCs throughout the story so we all won't be bombarded with information (that was an issue of mine; I barely developed any of the OCs beyond their basic storylines). More content in future updates, and less focused on the things we know Athy deals with in canon.

That aside, I'm willing to do a Q&A here for those who want to know more. I don't mind giving spoilers, but only to those who ask for it. But if it's a major spoiler that I'm not comfortable leaving out in the open, I will most likely send a DM instead.

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