DILF except i would not like to F him

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After enduring a full ride of N*oya speaking your ear off about how you shouldn't be such a cunt and should know your place as a woman, not speaking back to his daddy, nor looking him in the eyes, you practically yelled out, "I got it, I won't speak or look, etc., etc."

You lied.

"But seriously, why would you, as the clan head, want your wife to have no mind of her own and let the males in the clan disrespect her? Like, what the hell is up with that? The patriarchy has never made sense, but damn. You'd think a clan head would want his wife and the mother of his children to be respected as well, or something."

Naoya was nothing but a nepotism baby, unable to form a single original thought on his own. You didn't expect a genuine argument from him, not that there is one. Experiencing this exaggerated, caricatured misogyny was surreal.

While you faced misogyny in smaller acts every day from men around you, this was something else entirely. You'd only ever seen such a ...simplistic depiction of patriarchy in media created by men.

But this boy was shamelessly unafraid of his misogyny. He didn't even bother to justify it with arguments about how modern or Western women are miserable because of college education and hookup culture or anything.

As Naoya introduced you to some of his clansmen, you forced yourself into a disassociated state. You really didn't want to burn the whole clan down, especially not while Maki and Mai were still here. Self control, self control. Surprisingly, you listened to him and kept your eyes on the floor, remaining completely silent behind him. At least the architecture was interesting to admire.

The Zenin clan household boasted traditional Heian era architecture, with its characteristic emphasis on simplicity and elegance. The entrance hall was adorned with sliding doors made of intricately designed wooden frames and panels covered in rice paper. The floors were made of polished wood, and the walls were adorned with delicate paintings depicting scenes from nature.

Unfortunately, that was the only nice thing about this damned clan. You were in the middle of thinking about what movie you were going to watch with the cute girl who gave you her number in the hospital (and who unfortunately have off straight vibes). Maybe "Marie Antoinette" or "Paprika"? What about—your thoughts were cut off by Naoya annoyingly saying your name. It made you want to change it, just to make sure it wouldn't be tainted by his big ass mouth.

"That's the last Majiwara, yeah?" he said, taking you by the arm much more gently than earlier. Weren't those alpha podcasters talking about how you needed to mistreat your poor girlfriend for the validation of men? In this case, why would he not be crushing your arm in front of this clansman? But once you met his eyes, it clicked.

It was his brother.

You didn't recognize him per se, but it was quite obvious. They both looked pretty similar... He looked like a less attractive version of Naoya without his dyed hair, piercings, and eyeliner. You hated to admit it, but the little freak looked really good. It was a thought you loved to hide in the darkest corners of your brain. Although, considering how inbred the Zenins seemed to be, looking similar shouldn't be proof that they were brothers precisely.

It seemed like Naoya had already introduced you to him, as normally the "superior" would introduce the "inferior" to the other person. However, Naoya gave you a confusing arm squeeze. What the hell did he want from you?

You bowed deeply and greeted him respectfully, lying, "It's a pleasure to meet you." The fuck it wasn't. You greeted him very formally, hoping to get through the encounter quickly so you could go back to thinking about your potential movie date.

You weren't entirely sure if that's what Naoya was expecting. For all you knew, his ego might interpret you bowing to another man as emasculating him or some nonsense.

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