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"THOSE CLOUDS look so soft, don't they?" Katara pointed out

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"THOSE CLOUDS look so soft, don't they?" Katara pointed out. Yuen wasn't all that interested in them, as she quietly wrote down in her journal. "It's as if you could just jump down and you'd land on a big, soft cottony heap." She described. "Maybe you should try." Sokka joked. "You're hilarious." Katara scoffs.

"I'll try it!" Aang exclaimed. And without any other warning, Aang jumps down and into the clouds where he disappeared into.

Yuen gasped, her attention immediately being drawn to the boy. Her body relaxed after remembering he had his glider. But she still worried. In a matter of seconds, he landed back behind them. "Turns out clouds are made of water." He said, his whole body soaked by the water the clouds had gathered.

He quickly dried himself with an airball, making Yuen sigh. She shut her journal and placed it back into her messenger bag. One that she had had since she was 5, with a stitched on flower on the front.

"Hey, what is that?" Katara spoke softly. Yuen looked up from her bag, and to what Katara was staring at. Her eyes grew and she froze.

"It's like a scar." Sokka noted. The forest below them, most green. A part of it seemed to have been touched or damaged. Because a large precent of it had become a dark, gloomy colour. Aang ordered Appa to fly down to the spot. They were all suddenly extremely curious to know what had happened.

 They were all suddenly extremely curious to know what had happened

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