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IT WAS JUST LIKE ANY OTHER DAY. Yuen was brushing her long, dark hair, getting it ready in order to put it into a dutch braid.

Her brush gently went through her freshly washed hair, as Yuen stared down at herself through her mirror. Someone ran into her tent, startling her. "Yuen! You won't believe what just happened to Sokka and I!" Katara immediately began.

Yuen placed her brush down and turned fully around to face her cousin. "What happened?" She gasped. "Are you hurt? Is Sokka hurt?" Yuen worried.

Katara rolled her eyes. "No! Sokka and I got in a small fight, we were stuck on a piece of ice, and I accidentally let go of all my anger and the iceberg behind me broke and we were once again stranded," she took a deep breath.

"And then a bright light appeared in the water and an iceberg emerged. The iceberg exploded and a light beam shot into the sky!" She said in a dramatic way.

"A boy got out of it and fell, but I caught him. He woke up and said that his name was Aang! He's an airbender! Plus, he has this super cute flying bison. He's asleep right now." Katara explained.

The tent was filled with silence. Yuen exhaled. "Um... okay... that's a lot of information to process." She scratched the back of her head. "Yeah, could you go wake him up? He's in my tent right now." Katara asked. "Me? But, wouldn't it make more sense if you went ahead and woke him up—?"

"You can? Awe, thanks, Yuen! You're the best." And Katara skipped out of her tent. Yuen sighed in defeat and quickly put her hair into a simple ponytail. She put her coat on and walked out of her tent.

She headed to Katara's tent, and entered. Her eyes immediately spotted a small boy, shirtless and asleep. Yuen was slightly frightened by the sight of the strange boy but brushed away her fears. She crouched down, and shook the boy awake.

The boy gasped awake. Yuen yelped and fell back. "Ouch." She mumbled. He panted, indicating that he was in a panic-like state.

"Hey, it's alright. You're in the village, now. Katara told me to wake you. She wants you to meet everyone else." Yuen cleared her throat.

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