Welcome, Maria

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(Author's Note: The song isn't mine along with the video, although it was used in one of my favorite visual novel games Code Realize: ~Guardian of Rebirth~, the credits all belong to Aksys Games, Otomate, Idea Factory, and Mia REGINA, but enjoy this beautiful song)

Maria woke up to the rays of the morning sun shining through the window curtains of her room, as she stretched and got out of bed to go open the curtains, it was her first day of high school, the very first year, freshman year. She quickly threw on a white tee and a pleated skirt with plaid patterns on it in the color of blue, she was ecstatic to start high school since she can have more oppurtunities. However as a new high school student, it's expected that they are growing more and more independant from her parents, they do send her gifts whenever it's a holiday, her birthday, or a special day for them. She fixed herself some toast to fuel herself for her first day, and packed her essential items including her food, computer, water, survival guide, books, pencil case and her phone. She was planning to tackle her high school years and make sure nothing is beyond her control. Her condominium was a bit far from her school, but she still walks there. She was able to afford the condominium because of all the prize money she won over the years, she did share it with her parents, but it was still enough to cover her living expenses. After a 30 minutes of walking, she found her high school, Winterville High School. Her high school specializes in helping students to become amazing individuals. Students of all 4 years of high school were with their friends, chatting and laughing, all different kinds of people, she did feel a bit anxious, she got in line to receive her class information, she heard the staff member call out "Next person!" She knew she was next, and when she got up, the staff member told her "This is your class number, always remember this as in this secondary school we have many different classes for all 4 years, you are in Class F-1, which stands for Freshman 1. It is the very first class for the freshman division." As the staff member handed her a slip of paper that had her class number. "This is your schedule, periods are organized by the subjects you will have. It is very important that your schedule is memorized so you know where to go, and because for high school you can choose your subjects, it is tailored to what the student says in the survey." The staff member handed her a sheet of paper, just so she can know what her schedule is. "And finally this is your locker number and combination lock. This is very important as for you, your locker keeps all your belongings safe. And your locker number indicates where your locker is." Maria was given another slip of paper that had her locker number on it, and a blue letter lock of 5 letters. "That is all, you may go now" It was only a few minutes of walking when the bell rang, she quickly headed to her locker and put her belongings in, she took a look at her schedule and saw that she had her least favorite subject in the science section first period of the first block. "Chemistry eh? Well I guess that's because my luck was bad, but worst thing is I'll be stuck with this for the entire year!" She thought to herself, but her day got even worse when she was so distracted from her thoughts that she didn't watch where she was going and... 


She bumped and fell only to meet the eyes of another student, he looked at her with a sort of pissed expression, she looked at him with big doe eyes, as a sign that she isn't afraid of him. "Watch where you're going new girl" She just got up with her same doe eyes expression, and blinked cluelessly, this was her strategy to get out of situations, "What makes you think you can tell me what to do?" She was trying her best not to show her pissed off face by covering it with her signature slight smile, "Great, now this guy? Who does he think he is, my master?" She thought to herself, "Listen here new girl, you don't wanna mess with me, you'll regret it the very second after you do" His face was so close to hers, she just gave her doe eyes again, and brushed him off like it was nothing and continued heading on to her classroom, she was lead to her assigned seat and she just had an elbow partner of the guy she bumped into, apparently one of his fangirls told her that was "Axel" she bumped into, she just covered up her anger by smiling, and focused her eyes on their homeroom teacher. "Good morning everyone and welcome to Winterville High School. My name is Mrs. Shelby and I am your homeroom teacher for this year" Mrs. Shelby flashed a bright smile at her students, as she continued to talk "Before we begin, I just want to introduce you to a new student, Maria, please introduce yourself" Maria got up from her seat and went to the front of the class, and faced her classmates, "Good morning everyone, please refer me by my first name Maria or my Japanese nickname Meiria, everyone, I hope you'll treat me with kindness." 

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