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Billie POV
Me and my friends decided we wanted to go to Cochella this year.

I wasn't really in the mood to go but after some thinking why not?

I was getting ready to leave with zoe,claudia,finneas and my parents but i still couldn't figure out what to wear

my hair was down and i put a little bit of natural markup before zoe came in

"dude how are you still not dressed?"

She asked as she walked into my room and laid on my bed

"i don't know i just know i wanna wear like jorts that's all"

I shuffled through my closet and remembered how hot it gets there  so i ended up going with a sleeveless jersey and some jorts

I turned around and showed it to Zoe

"cute now hurry up I wanna get those tofu tacos in time"

I laughed remembering how we always get them whenever we go before grabbing my phone and heading out

everyone seems to already be in the car so we just locked up my house making sure everything is shut before getting in the van with everyone

"took you long enough"

Finneas said as i had stepped in the van so i shoved her head

"shut up"

We shared a laugh before i sat down and went on my phone

ma girls

hurry tf up me and nessa
are here already

we'll be there in like
15 minutes we aren't too far

we already shaking ass hurry up fool

I laughed at the last message before sending a heart

"right Billie you know where me and your dad will be,we will meet you all at the main stages to watch the shows please stay with security whenever you leave us we can't-"

"mom breathe please,i'll be okay don't worry"

I grabbed my mothers hand squeezing it to assure her,she's the sweetest i know but she needs to not be worried about me all the time i'll be okay

she gave me a smile before i rested my head on Zoe's shoulder and drifted away

Later i woke up with finneas shaking me awake


I said rubbing my eyes and grabbing my stuff

"your friends are waiting"

He said before leaving the van and i followed behind before seeing some of my friends

"hey sexy"

Quen and Odessa said at the same time as i walked over and wrapped my arms around both girls

"we were gonna get drinks you drinking today?"

They asked before i nodded

"fuck yeah let's go"

we held onto each others hands and made our way to the Bar area in the artist section because it wasn't too crowded

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