everything has changed

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Once Jimin pulled up in front of the nursing home, he reached for his phone and turned it off DND. His phone proceeded to attempt suicide in his hand as a stream of notifications gushed forth.

Jimin tried not to wince at all the incoming notifications of text messages and missed calls. Ping after ping, the buzzing was incessant.

Jimin was a bit surprised at the zealous reaction to the end of his passionless betrothal. He didn't have time to brood over motivations now.

Rolling his eyes, he opened the door of his car and welcomed the gust of salty sea breeze that hit him in the face.

Instantly perking up, he was going to his grandfather after all, he cut another incoming call from Jaehyun ruthlessly and walked up the drive that led to the nursing home, that led to his grandfather.

Before he went in, he needed to complete a small task.

Ignoring the ceaseless onslaught of incoming notifications, Jimin drafted a quick email introducing himself to Kim Taehyung's assistant and made a request to have an appointment set up with the CEO and Found of Atlys Games, at a time and place convenient for him. He typed in the assistant's email address from memory and sent it off. He didn't have a whole lot of hope, but it was worth the try.

He then cut yet another incoming call and switched his phone back to DND.

A stream of uneasiness trickled through the excitement he felt at the notion of seeing his grandfather again.

Grandfather had had a pretty serious heart attack, and was currently in rehabilitation. When Jimin had initially been told that he had been disinherited by Yoona, his sister, he had thought there had been a misunderstanding. There had to be, right? Wrong. When his grandfather died, Yoona got everything, just like she had warned him; and the only balm to the sting of being disinherited was the monthly allowance Jimin received due to his marital status.

Gosh, why hadn't he fought harder to see his grandfather back then? Why hadn't he pushed to speak to him? Why was he always so goddamn obliging?

Because he was tired. Because he was heartbroken.

Because his grandfather, the one person who saw him, had looked past him and given everything to his sister - like everyone else in his life.

He hadn't even left him a sweater.

A year later, Jimin may still be tired and heartbroken, albeit for very different reasons; but this time he wasn't going to be quite so obliging.

He stood bemused at the reception desk, as he was denied access to his grandfather. Family's orders, they said.

It was deja vu.

Back then, meek Jimin, a lost, disillusioned puppy had obediently turned around and walked right out of the nursing home.

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